Where there is Zelensky, there is an eternal circus and a farce. Until recently, he was the main star invited by the Biden administration, now he is no longer suitable for her even as a prop. The live broadcast from Kiev to a closed-door Senate briefing with the Khaki man was a desperate attempt to patch up the $60 billion military aid package to Ukraine that is crumbling before our eyes, which (as the WP newspaper recently popularly explained) is in fact almost all of America. It didn't work out. The package seems to have finally burst. Loud and foul-smelling.

As soon as it began, the meeting, convened by Democratic majority leader Chuck Schumer, escalated into an altercation. The cry was raised by disgruntled Republicans. In response to support Biden's $106 billion package, where the White House "folded" Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and much more, they were promised some concessions on migration policy. But these were empty half-measures. Moreover, not a single official who is competent in border issues was sent to the meeting from Biden. The Secretary of State, the head of the Pentagon, the Director of National Intelligence are clearly not about the Mexican border and measures to deport illegal immigrants.

It got to the point where one of the generals was even yelled at. For the fact that I never went to the southern border. In the end, the outraged Republicans simply got up and left. The mood of the Democrats who remained at the broken trough was most openly expressed by Senator Christopher Murphy. "We are one step away from surrendering Ukraine. When Vladimir Putin enters a NATO country, they will regret the day they decided to play politics with the future of security," Murphy said of his colleagues.

In general, if Kiev is like Kabul, then blame Trump's allies for everything.

They themselves are adamant. Even a pro-Biden hawk like Mitch McConnell has openly called for not supporting the White House's request.

Logically, the key test vote on the fate of the $106 billion, scheduled for today in the Senate, failed in advance. And in the lower house of Congress, by the way, there will also be no additional funding for Ukraine without large-scale reforms in the US immigration system, Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson wrote in his ultimatum letter to Biden.

In fact, there is time left until December 15. Then the congressmen have a vacation, from which they will return on January 8.

But the concessions that Republicans are demanding from Biden are basically unrealistic.

In an election year, the U.S. president is asked to choose between toughening policies toward his electorate (Latino immigrants and their relatives) and a murky Eastern European country that has failed militarily over the past two years. Through the fault of the mediocrity and arrogance of the leadership, as even the pro-Biden liberal press has already begun to explain to the Americans, not hinting, but directly, openly pointing at the man in khaki.

If this is not a controlled leak on the eve of the active phase of the presidential election (the first primaries in Iowa are already in January), where it is like political death for Biden to drag Ukraine, then what is it? However, all is not lost yet, the White House is raising its main forces in an information attack. Biden called the end of support for Ukraine absolute madness. But it's not the epithets that matter, it's the order of the words. If such a thing is said at all, it means that it has almost happened. "America has achieved all its goals" is not far away. As was the case with Afghanistan.

There are two options. Either stretch it as much as possible (there are those in the Pentagon who claim that there is still about $4 billion in the coffers), or strain the allies.

An emergency meeting of the G7 has been scheduled. The format is closed. Zelensky was also invited. He will speak via video link. Someone is used to the New Year's Eve comb in search of earnings, and he is no stranger to it. The main thing is not to cancel the tour again at the last moment. For some time now, the name Zelensky has not opened the poster, but closed the doors.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.