"Ming Chengzu's descendants teach", "promotion and salary increase course 9900 yuan"... Recently, a number of training institutions have appeared on the Internet under the guise of "Chinese culture training", claiming that they can "regulate the body" and "change their names to prosperity", and use false propaganda such as "Master of Yijing" and "Carry forward excellent traditional culture" to collect money.

Wearing the vest of "Chinese culture training" to collect money

"He claimed to be the dean of Yi Puguo College of Shangde Institution, a descendant of Ming Chengzu, a descendant of Qin Tianjian of the Ming Dynasty, a graduate of Chinese University and Imperial College London, and under his boasting, I spent 9888,4500 yuan to sign up." On the Sina consumer service platform "Black Cat Complaints", there are more than <>,<> related complaints related to "Guoxue" and "Yijing", most of which are mainly complaints such as "false publicity", "fraudulent consumption" and "refund", and "no one can be found after payment, and there is no reply to the refund" is also common.

Banyuetan reporter's investigation found that some training institutions used the "halo of Chinese culture" and "master name" to recruit students.

Some so-called "Sinology training" institutions fabricate titles at will, and use false identities to package teachers as "senior inheritors of Sinology culture" and "senior tutors of digital psychology", claiming to have exclusive secrets and advanced teaching experience. However, after watching the live class, the Banyuetan reporter found that the lecture content of the so-called "master of Chinese culture" is mostly based on divination, feng shui, and fortune telling, such as "how to improve the energy of the geographical environment" and "how to worship the God of Wealth to be effective".

Some institutions use the guise of "free courses" to let students buy courses at a "high price".

Banyuetan reporter entered a WeChat group of 85 people through an advertisement of "Chinese culture training public welfare live class", which was managed by a "class teacher", and organized group members to participate in the "Yi Xuan teacher" for a 4-day "free course", the first day of the live broadcast showed 15,<> people online, and the comment area was also very active.

In the live class, "Teacher Yi Xuan" claimed: "I have a student whose child is naughty and noisy and can't calm down to study, she asked me to guide her and change the child's name." After the name change, the child's grades moved up 20 places in the class. ”

After the end of the course, the "class teacher" sent a price list, calling the purchase of the course "marriage", showing that the course fee of "academic success, gold list title" is 9986,6888 yuan, and the cost of "Zhengcai Bureau", "Wangyun Bureau" and "Peach Blossom Bureau" ranges from 9900,<> yuan to <>,<> yuan.

Video platforms become a "hotbed" of false advertising

Banyuetan reporter's investigation found that such false propaganda advertisements for "Chinese culture training" frequently appear on major short video platforms, and show some new characteristics.

- Special effects editing "routine deep". Banyuetan reporters watched some of the "Chinese Culture Training" solicitation advertisements and found that most of these video advertisements used special effects technology to edit and synthesize, and some of the dubbing did not match the lip shape at all; Some use splicing techniques to graft authoritative videos; Some use AI face swapping and onomatopoeia technology to imitate the voices of celebrities... These processed fake short video ads are easy to deceive some audiences.

In an interstitial advertisement on the iQiyi video platform, in the one-minute-long "Chinese Studies Training" advertisement, there are many "masters of Chinese Studies", some are seriously explaining the "Book of Changes", but they are edited and grafted into the course recommendations, and some are dubbed in the later stage, and the mouth shape does not match the voice.

- Multiple doppelgangers are "easy to hide". On the homepage of a video platform, one of the big pictures that is scrolled and recommended is the advertisement of "Qiji - I Ching Lecture Hall", which uses an old man of "fairy wind bones" as the cover picture, and is impressively marked with "I Ching seven days and six nights course, 360 knowledge points..."

However, after closing and restarting the video platform, the advertisement recommended on the homepage became "Hanling Guoxue - I Ching Lecture Hall", but its cover picture and advertising slogan were exactly the same as before. Banyuetan reporters entered these two mini programs through links and found that they both belonged to the same training institution - "Suntech Institution".

After inquiring about it, the reporter found that although some of the online education technology companies registered under the "Suntech Institution" have been recorded on the "Black Cat Complaint", due to the large number of "doppelgangers", one of them is complained, and it does not affect the recruitment of students by the other.

——Big data portrait "precise delivery". With the advent of the era of big data, the algorithm model of precise advertising has also been applied to the solicitation advertising of "Chinese culture training". With a single click on an ad, relevant ad recommendations will appear across multiple platforms.

In the interview, the Banyuetan reporter learned that this kind of advertising can be "marked" and "accurately placed" on the mobile phones of middle-aged and elderly users through big data, and the elderly are very easy to receive such recommendations and be invited to join the group.

Cai Yuzhen, a 71-year-old citizen of Nanchang this year, was pulled into three groups of "I Ching training" students, she said, "There will be more and more groups, and there will be a class teacher in each group, who will remind me to go to class on time every day." After entering the live broadcast course, the Banyuetan reporter found that most of the students were middle-aged and elderly people, hoping to "tell fortunes" and "change fortunes" for their children.

Treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and build a linkage monitoring system

According to the Several Provisions on Prohibiting Obstruction of the Implementation of Compulsory Education issued by the Ministry of Education in 2019, off-campus training institutions are not allowed to teach feudal dregs such as divination, feng shui, and fortune-telling in the name of "national studies".

Experts said that the "pseudo-Chinese culture" training not only caused consumer property losses, but also spread distorted and wrong values to the public.

Some respondents said that online training does not have a specific geographical scope, there is also a lack of corresponding recognition standards for "Chinese culture training", and the law enforcement standards of the regulatory authorities are not clear, so it is difficult to supervise.

Yan Sanzhong, deputy dean of the School of Political Science and Law of Jiangxi Normal University, said that the relevant authorities should establish clear standards and norms. Clearly define the institutional qualification review, course content, training methods, teacher qualifications, tuition fees, etc. of "Sinology Training", so that there is nowhere to hide in pseudo-Sinology Training.

At the same time, major operating platforms need to upgrade supervision and build a linkage monitoring system. Zhu Xiaogang, a professor at Nanchang University, said that major video platforms should control promotional content and prohibit diversion of content such as divination, fortune telling, and feng shui.

The interviewed experts said that the chaos of "Chinese culture training" needs to be cured by both the symptoms and the root causes, and suggested that relevant departments should strengthen the guidance and publicity of socialist core values; For civil disputes between training institutions and consumers, the rights and interests of consumers should be effectively protected; It is necessary to intensify the punishment of "pseudo-Chinese studies" training, and severely punish those who violate the law and commit crimes because of divination and divination.

Half Moon Talk Reporter: Peng Jing

(Half Moon Talk)