【Commentary】Meet friends with the ball and talk about friendship. From November 11rd to 3th, the 5 Cross-Strait National Baseball and Softball League Kunshan Finals and the 2023th "Kunshan Mazu Cup" Cross-Strait Slow Softball Invitational Tournament were held in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province.

The competition lasted for 3 days and attracted nearly 550 players to actively participate.

[same period] scene

【Same period】Contestant Li Jun

Slow softball is suitable for all ages, which not only reflects the coordination and cooperation of a team, but also shows individual ability. I learned from each other and strengthened my friendship.

Xu Yong, Executive Director of the Cross-Strait Baseball Exchange and Cooperation Committee

The 2023 Cross-Strait National Baseball and Softball League is to use slow softball as a medium to build a communication platform for people on both sides of the strait, and we also hope that participating athletes will become good partners through this event.

【Commentary】Aim and pitch, swing the bat, run fast... On the field, the players fought for physical strength, skills, and competition level.

【Same period】Contestant Zhang Junwei

The first time I came to Kunshan to play, I also hope to say that next year or the year after next, I hope to come here every year for sports exchanges.

【Period】Sun Decong, President of Kunshan Taiwan Association

There are 400 Taiwan compatriots who have made a special trip to play ball, and we hope to make this competition better and better, so that more Taiwan compatriots can come here to communicate with mainland players.

In order to further enrich the connotation of the event, the organizers of the event also invited the contestants to visit Zhouzhuang Ancient Town, Xiqu Hundred Opera Museum and other places.

Reporter Ge Yong reports from Kunshan, Jiangsu

Editor in charge: [Luo Pan]