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Police officer with taser (symbolic image)

Photo: Soeren Stache / dpa

On Sunday night, a man was overpowered with a Taser during a police operation in Cologne. This was confirmed by the public prosecutor's office and the police in a joint statement. Police officers had "overpowered the man using a distance electric pulse device," the police report said.

According to the information, the operation took place in front of an apartment building in Cologne's old town. There, the man is said to have rioted in the apartment of a prostitute. Because he did not want to be calmed down even in the patrol car, an emergency doctor gave him a drug, the police continued. As a result, the man collapsed and died a few hours later in hospital.

Cause of death to be clarified

Now it is to be clarified what caused the death of the man, who has not yet been identified. The autopsy of the body has been ordered, the public prosecutor's office in Cologne announced on Monday.

An investigation had been initiated. It is being examined whether there are concrete indications of criminally relevant culpability on the part of police officers or medical staff with regard to the death of the man.
