Shinjuku Ward's permission to cut down about 3000,<> trees in the Meiji Jingu Gaien redevelopment plan was illegal, and a trial began in which residents of the ward demanded its cancellation, and the ward side showed a full-scale stance of fighting as "proper procedures" and so on.

In the redevelopment plan of Tokyo Meiji Jingu Gaien, Shinjuku Ward has allowed the felling of about 3000,5 trees, and five residents of the ward and university professors have filed a lawsuit seeking revocation of the permit, saying that it is an illegal procedure to issue the permit without going through a democratic process.

The trial began at the Tokyo District Court on the 6th, and the ward submitted a letter requesting that the lawsuit be dismissed, showing a stance of fully contesting.

According to the plaintiffs, the ward claims that the permission was granted after following due process, and that the plaintiff is complaining that the landscape will be damaged, but it is not protected by law.

A lawsuit over the redevelopment of Meiji Jingu Gaien in which about 160 residents, including residents of the surrounding area, sued the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for the revocation of the approval of the project itself is continuing at the Tokyo District Court.