In addition to the surprise factor that marked the operation "Al-Aqsa Flood", there are other details, which are useful to address, to try to understand the brutality shown by Israel in its reaction against Gaza, and to understand the unconditional support it received from America and Western allies, to the point of justifying trampling on international law, and covering up Israeli war crimes with blatant political and media maneuvers.

Many wrote that the success of the Palestinian resistance, on October 7, 2023 – in penetrating all Israel's defense systems, penetrating into the settlements surrounding Gaza, and killing and capturing a large number of occupation soldiers, in an unprecedented epic in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict – constituted a severe blow to the myth of the invincible army, and its prestige – which it bullied in the region for decades – in the mud.

However, there are additional details that explain Israel's brutality in its reaction to this operation, although the character of brutality is inherent in this entity, it was built in the beginning, with which it instilled its state, and with which it created for itself the image of a fatalistic state that is difficult to confront or match its power.

Among these details is the person of Benjamin Netanyahu, and the level Israel has reached in choosing who leads it, charts its course, and arranges its priorities.

Netanyahu ranks as one of the fiercest, if not the most extreme, politicians in his conception of Israel as the Jewish state, and in his 1993 book A Place Under the Sun, Netanyahu asserted that Israel's security is the only factor that guarantees its survival, and is first of all areas, including politics, which framed the peace process, according to his book.

What the West does not want is to take root in mind, that the victory of October 7, 2023, had behind it capabilities that are not the source of it, and planners and implementers who have nothing to do with its theories and culture, but rather have other lofty values that emerged to the world to torpedo the demonization campaigns practiced by the West and still

Netanyahu was known for rejecting all agreements that were launched from the slogan of land for peace, because the security of Israel - according to his book - is linked to the land that was subjugated by violence and force, so he chose the slogan: "Security for security", refusing to waste any space, no matter how small, and rejecting negotiations with the Palestinians, Jordan, and Egypt.

In his book, we also find him describing the Arabs as a nation of lazy and useless, far from civilization, colorful and untrustworthy, and only force is useful to it, with other descriptions that reflect the racism that governs his vision of the Arabs, and his vision that peace with them passes a necessity through decisive by force.

In his book, he asserts that Israel's security depth dictates not abandoning the West Bank and the Golan Heights, and the importance of normalization with Arab countries, especially oil, and believes that Iran poses a threat to the security of the Zionist state, recommending besieging it and working to change it from within.

These are the most important conclusions of Netanyahu's book, on the basis of which he was chosen as leader of the hardline Likud party, and then prime minister in 1996, three years after its issuance, and remained in office for about 17 years, including 12 consecutive years, achieving a record time in office since the establishment of this entity, and surpassing even its founders who oversaw the massacres and displacement of the Palestinian people.

This means – despite the demonstrations against him – that an Israeli majority has adopted Netanyahu's political doctrine, ideas and vision to preserve their state, and considered him their national hero, and a model capable of crushing those who disturb their lives and force them to live on the impact of "strategic fear", fear for life, and fear of the demise of the state.

It is not easy for the Israelis – the people and elites, who have secured Netanyahu for their lives and their state – to wake up to the impact of an operation of Palestinian resistance, which showed that their dreams and aspirations were nothing but mirages and fluffy pain.

It is natural – and Israel has chosen its most violent and extreme politicians to lead it – to see the brutal reaction the world has witnessed, amounting to genocide, which may be one of the scenarios they are already considering to emerge from the shock of the "Al-Aqsa flood."

The failure of this model – chosen by Israel to lead it – plunges it into a political spiral from which it may take a long time to get out, and this is not in the interest of Israel or the West, which sponsors it and provides it with political and diplomatic cover, especially in light of the labor that international relations are going through, with its balance of power different from those that were in the aftermath of World War II, and provided the conditions for the establishment and survival of the State of Israel.

Therefore, it was necessary for the West, led by America, to intervene to support Israel as its hatched egg in the "Middle East" and its "ambassador" in the region, and the model it promotes for its so-called democracy, civilization, power, science, and all the elements of the invincible image of the state. Its leaders rushed to the capital of the entity and mobilized their diplomatic and military forces, in an unprecedented scene reminiscent of the Crusades.

The West has lost its balance, providing military, political and diplomatic support for Israeli aggression that kills innocent civilians, ignoring international law and international institutions - despite their weakness - and the media that transmit images on air, and has also forgotten that it is the pretender of the world's leadership towards urbanization, the inventor of theories of organizing societies, the source of values and ideas, the maker of revolutions, and the first defender of rights and freedoms.

More than defending economic and political interests, violence and brazenness – shown by the United States of America, and those who followed it with injustice and arrogance – tell other backgrounds and details.

These details relate to the fear of the collapse of the "Western model", which took decades and centuries to establish, and for which peoples and generations were annihilated.

The West regards the victory of a small resistance movement – belonging to a nation it has long considered uncivilized, over its model state that it sponsors in the region – as a direct defeat, not only military and security, but also a civilizational defeat, which it cannot accept.

The victory of the Palestinian Islamic resistance over Israel, the descendant of the Western model, means that this artificial state is no longer a model state, and the model will be resistance. Its victory will also show the Arab, Muslim and even international peoples that the defeat of Israel and the entire West is still possible, and comparisons will be made between that resistance, which belongs to a nation that has long been described as terrorism and backwardness, and a strong Israel, supported by a civilized West that is superior in all fields.

What the West does not want is to take root in mind, that the victory of October 7, 2023, had behind it capabilities that are not the source of it, and planners and implementers who have nothing to do with its theories and culture, but have other values that emerged to the world in the way they deal with civilian hostages, especially women, children and the elderly, to torpedo the demonization and disinformation campaigns practiced by the West and still do, during or before this aggression.

These are details that seem useful to recall in the context of following what is happening, to understand the brutality of the Israeli aggression and the complicity of the West, which is waging a war, framed by the data of history, but with its tense behavior it recognizes the victory of the resistance from where it wants to exile, and opens the eyes of all peoples - whose awareness he thought he had destroyed with the incentives of the tyrannical regimes he finances - for what he is, and pushes them to other models.