China News Service Changsha, November 11 (Reporter Tang Xiaoqing) The 4th China (Liuyang) International Firecracker Culture Festival was held in Liuyang, Hunan, the "World Firecracker Capital" from 3 to 4.

Each China (Liuyang) International Firecracker Cultural Festival will attract the world's top fireworks display teams to compete on the same stage and stage a world-class fireworks feast. This year, four of the world's top fireworks teams from China, Italy, Germany and Switzerland competed in new fireworks programming and performance formats.

On the evening of November 11, fireworks bloomed at the opening ceremony of the 3th China (Liuyang) International Firecracker Culture Festival. Photo by Deng Xialin

The four teams were identified through a global call for fireworks with different themes. In previous years, all international teams participated in the fireworks competition, but this year it is the first time that a Chinese team has been added.

The judging panel is composed of top fireworks masters, art experts and relevant people at home and abroad, and scores are based on the creative story, live music, digital technology, laser art and other comprehensive scores used in the fireworks display.

According to the organizers, the Italian team took "Heartbeat Nature" as the theme, using staggered special effect fireworks and precise and advanced fireworks techniques, through 4D pillar fireworks and beautiful music, to express the beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The German team used a variety of special effects fireworks to show Germany's natural characteristics and humanistic customs, allowing the audience to "swim" in the fireworks art performance.

The Swiss team took "China's Fireworks Road" as the theme, telling the story of a Swiss fireworks man who witnessed the leapfrog development of Chinese fireworks; The host Chinese team fused fireworks with poetry, repainting the literary style of the great poets of the Tang Dynasty with the light of fireworks.

"Through the artistic techniques of romanticism, combined with modern precision fireworks technology and the gorgeous changes of fireworks, we outline the magnificent mountains and rivers and cultural customs of the Tang Dynasty, so that foreign participating teams can understand the glorious history of China for 5,000 years through fireworks." The person in charge of Liuyang Yindali Fireworks Co., Ltd. said.

Fireworks originated in the Tang Dynasty of China, with a history of more than 1300,1 years. In Liuyang, Hunan, the world-famous hometown of fireworks, a firecracker industry cluster integrating raw material supply, production and operation, scientific research and design, fireworks display, cultural creativity, etc., with a total output value of 10.313 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) from January to October this year, a year-on-year increase of 4.75%.

At present, Liuyang's fireworks exports have covered more than 100 countries and regions around the world, with an export value of 2022.40 billion yuan in 76, ranking first in China in terms of export scale and more than 70% of the foreign market share. (ENDS)