To coincide with the 40th anniversary of the sister city partnership between Hiroshima City and the German city of Hannover, the tea room of the local tea ceremony school, which was used in events related to the G7 Hiroshima Summit, was recreated in Germany, deepening exchanges between the two cities.

It has been 40 years since Hiroshima City and the city of Hannover in northern Germany formed a sister city alliance, and a commemorative exhibition began in Hannover on the 3rd.

The venue is decorated with tea utensils and tea rooms of the Ueda Soka-ryu tea ceremony school, which was started by the elders of the Hiroshima clan in the Edo period and continues to this day, with the message that Hiroshima has recovered from the damage caused by the atomic bomb and values peace and culture.

Mayor Matsui also visited the event to celebrate the start of the event, and after calling for further development of the relationship, the head of the school explained the charm of the tea ceremony.

In addition, as an event related to the G5 Hiroshima Summit in May, the tea room where the spouses of the leaders were entertained was recreated, and exchanges were deepened by appreciating the points and tasting matcha and Japanese sweets.

A German man in his 7s said, "The 60th anniversary is wonderful, and I hope that the relationship will continue for many years to come."

Mr. Ueda Muneto, the owner of the house, said, "I would like the people of Germany to see the old arts and crafts that fortunately escaped the atomic bombing."

Mayor Matsui said, "I would like to continue a good relationship with Hanover, which experienced World War II, because we can share the desire to overcome the hardships of the past and pursue peace."