November 11th is China's Fire Safety Day, these necessary fire safety knowledge and escape and self-rescue skills in different scenarios, let's learn together!

What are the main causes of fire fatality?

Many people believe that fire kills people because they were burned by fire, but this is not the case. Statistics show that the main cause of death from fire is inhalation injury. This inhalation injury is an "internal injury" caused by fire, and a burn to the skin is an "external injury". Internal injuries tend to be more severe and more difficult to treat than external injuries.

Inhalation injury in fire mainly refers to respiratory injury caused by inhalation of high heat or smoke containing chemical irritants, especially in people with facial and neck burns.

What do we do in the event of a fire?

Most of the fire victims died due to inhalation injury, so in the case of a fire at home, if the fire point is not on the way to escape, and there is no risk of toxic smoke invasion, it is recommended to escape outside, close the door to avoid smoke spreading, and call 119 in time to call the police and wait for rescue.

If the fire point is on the way to escape, you can escape to a room that is free from toxic smoke, close the door immediately, open the window for ventilation, and call 119 in time. If conditions permit, wet clothes to block the door cracks, reduce the harm of toxic smoke to the human body, and buy time for the rescue of firefighters.

In the case of a fire outside the home, do not rush out, keep the door of the house closed, close the windows near the fire site, and call 119 to call the police. and wait for rescue in a place protected from toxic fumes. Keeping the security door closed at home can effectively prevent the spread of toxic fumes and buy more time for trapped people to wait for rescue.

Covering your mouth and nose with a wet towel in the event of a fire is outdated?

In a variety of fire escape methods, covering the mouth and nose with a wet towel is still a possible way to protect yourself, especially in the early stage of the fire, covering the mouth and nose with a wet towel can effectively block the smoke, reduce the inhalation rate of respiratory smoke and dust, and avoid respiratory burns, but if the fire is too fierce, then neither the wet towel nor the smoke mask will have much effect, at this time do not try to cross the smoke area, the most important thing is to find an area away from the smoke and wait for rescue.

In the event of a fire, you can protect yourself by folding a wet towel in half 3 times to cover your mouth and nose. Although the more layers of the wet towel are folded, the higher the smoke retention rate, but the more layers folded, the greater the obstruction to breathing, so the more folded layers the better. Families with the conditions can also be equipped with some smoke masks in case of emergency.

How to deal with burns and scalds that occur in your daily life

Rinse: Rinse with cold running water for at least 30 minutes after burns.

Take off: Gently separate the clothing from the wound area and take it off. It should be noted that if the residue of the chemical fiber clothing is attached to the skin after burns, it cannot be hard to peel off, and it should be treated in the hospital as soon as possible.

Soaking: Cool the affected area with clean water to block the inflammatory storm that may occur in burns.

Cover: Cover the wound with clean clothes or sheets as much as possible during the hospital to avoid re-contamination.

Send: Send the patient to the hospital for professional treatment as soon as possible.

How to prevent fires in daily life?

Clean up the combustible debris indoors in a timely manner and do not accumulate debris in the stairwells and balconies.

Pay attention to prevent fires caused by malfunctions of household appliances, and if the appliances are found to be aging or damaged, they should be replaced or repaired in time.

Pay attention to the safety of gas use, regularly check whether the gas pipeline is aging, and do not change the gas pipeline without permission.

When using electricity or stove fire for heating, keep a safe distance from the surrounding combustibles, and do not cover the electric heating equipment to dry clothes.

Do not smoke in bed or on the sofa to avoid cigarette butts igniting the sofa and bedding and causing a fire. Don't litter cigarette butts.

When using the stove to boil water for cooking, do not leave the house and turn off the switch when you are done using it.

Pay attention to the fire safety of electric bike charging.

Households should be equipped with fire safety appliances such as fire extinguishers, fire blankets, smoke masks, etc., and know how to use them properly.