Recently, "A 28-year-old woman had severe stomach pain after holding urine, and the corpus luteum was found to rupture after seeking medical treatment" rushed to the hot search, why did the good corpus luteum rupture? Experts explain

Note that there is a type of acute abdominal pain called "rupture of the corpus luteum"

Changsha Evening News all-media reporter Yang Yunlong correspondent Guo Juan

Recently, the news of "a 28-year-old woman held her urine for a while in the morning, and then felt severe pain in her stomach, and found a rupture of the corpus luteum after seeking medical treatment" rushed to the hot search, and netizens broke the news - "Some time ago, I got up early in the morning and stretched my stomach with severe pain, and found out that the corpus luteum was ruptured", "I jumped rope before and broke my corpus luteum", "I once encountered a rupture of the corpus luteum, because of a jumping movement in a dance class"... What is the corpus luteum and why does it rupture? Is a rupture of the corpus luteum dangerous? Is it necessary to stop exercising to prevent the corpus luteum from rupturing? What should I look out for? Wang Donglian, director of the emergency department and chief physician of Hunan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, gave a detailed answer.


Holding urine and jumping rope to dance can cause the rupture of the corpus luteum

According to reports, 28-year-old Ms. Liu only felt severe pain in her stomach after holding her urine for a while in the morning, and she was still uncomfortable until the third day, and was found to have ruptured the corpus luteum after seeking medical treatment. The doctor said that she was bleeding in her stomach and was at risk of shock at any time, and she needed to be hospitalized immediately for surgery, and finally she underwent laparoscopic surgery under general anesthesia.

After netizens saw the news, they shared their experiences of rupture of the corpus luteum. "I once encountered a rupture of the corpus luteum, because of a jumping movement in dance class, and then I didn't care about the abdominal pain, and after two days I went to the gynecology for examination, and I was hospitalized quickly with blood in the peritoneum, but fortunately there was no major incident." "I have a say in this! Before skipping rope, I broke my luteum body, and decisively went to the hospital to hang up the emergency. After the doctor ruled out an ectopic pregnancy, he drew a full needle with a large thick syringe, and then I was hospitalized. ”

"In recent years, we have seen a number of these patients." Wang Donglian said that at about 2 o'clock in the morning one day, Ms. Xiao of Changsha suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain after having sex with her husband, and the couple hurriedly came to the emergency department of the Hunan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital for treatment. After the doctor's diagnosis, the rupture of the corpus luteum was suspected, and he was finally hospitalized for observation and treatment. 22-year-old Ms. Xia, who usually has regular menstruation, had persistent pain in the lower abdomen after jumping shuttlecock exercises some time ago, accompanied by a feeling of anal distension, and the abdominal pain could not be relieved after resting at home, so she was accompanied by a friend and admitted to the hospital. After a detailed medical history and physical examination, B-ultrasound showed a mixed echo mass in the adnexal area, a large amount of pelvic and abdominal effusion, a negative urine pregnancy test, and suspected luteal rupture.

Corpus luteum rupture, a disease that occurs often but is still not well understood by many people. In fact, the corpus luteum has always been there, and it is very important for women.

Wang Donglian introduced that under the normal menstrual cycle, a woman's ovaries will release an egg every month. The structure that carries the egg is called the follicle, and when the egg is released, the rest of the follicle becomes the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum can be thought of as a temporary gland that secretes estrogen and progesterone to maintain the growth and development of the endometrium. If a fertilized egg forms an early embryo, it can colonize and grow on the developing endometrium, and the corpus luteum will continue to secrete hormones to help the embryo develop until the placenta takes over its function. If you are not pregnant, the corpus luteum will shrink and absorb, and the endometrium will also shed and bleed due to the loss of hormonal support from the corpus luteum, which is menstruation.

Women with normal menstruation produce the corpus luteum, which has abundant capillaries and thin and fragile walls, every month. One week before menstruation, the growth and development of the corpus luteum reaches its peak, and when the diameter is greater than 3 cm, it is called a corpus luteum cyst, and the larger its diameter, the greater the surface tension, and the more likely it is to rupture.


Why does a good corpus luteum break?

In fact, most luteum bodies can "end of life" according to the normal program, so menstruation comes almost 14 days after ovulation, which is the time pattern of the indirect formation of the life span of the corpus luteum. Based on this principle, corpus luteum rupture always occurs after the corpus luteum is fully developed and before the atrophy collapses, which means that it will only occur in the middle and late stages of the menstrual cycle, that is, after ovulation and about a week before the next menstrual period.

Under normal circumstances, there is a small amount of bleeding in the corpus luteum, but due to the body's coagulation mechanism, the small amount of bleeding will stop on its own, and the blood will not rush out of the ovaries, but will only be confined to the corpus luteum and slowly absorbed along with the corpus luteum. In this case, the human body mostly does not feel it, or only has a slight soreness and dull pain in the lower abdomen.

If there is too much bleeding, it can increase the pressure in the corpus luteum, which can lead to a spontaneous rupture. This is because, as a temporary gland, the corpus luteum has a very rich supply of small blood vessels that provide nutrients and energy, and if the corpus luteum occasionally grows too large or forms a cyst, the small blood vessels may rupture and bleed due to a slight external force, or even spontaneously rupture in the absence of external force. The risk of luteal hemorrhage is higher if you have high blood pressure or if you have a bleeding disorder with abnormal blood clotting.

The increase in intra-abdominal pressure during a blow to the lower abdomen, as well as when the abdomen is vigorously jumped, runs, coughs vigorously, or defecates forcefully or holds urine for a long time, can also cause the mature corpus luteum to rupture. In addition, the expansion and congestion of the female reproductive organs during sexual life, the increased tension in the corpus luteum, coupled with the rude movements of the man, and the strong impact on the woman's lower abdomen, can also lead to the rupture of the corpus luteum.

"The rupture of the corpus luteum often has a rapid onset and is one of the common acute abdomen in gynecology, which will cause a certain amount of intra-abdominal hemorrhage, which is manifested as sudden severe pain in the lower abdomen on one side, which can develop into persistent pain in a short period of time. If you keep bleeding, you are likely to have symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness and fatigue, and in severe cases, hemorrhagic shock will occur, which can be life-threatening if not treated in time. Wang Donglian said that the rupture of the corpus luteum has a high misdiagnosis rate, which is easy to be confused with acute abdomen such as ectopic pregnancy, acute pelvic inflammatory disease, acute appendicitis, ureteral stones, and ovarian tumor pedicle torsion.

In general, rupture of the corpus luteum will not affect future conceptions, and no matter whether it is treated conservatively or surgically, as long as it is properly managed, it will not cause harm to the patient's ovarian function.


It is best to avoid this time for women to exercise vigorously

The news of the rupture of the corpus luteum rushed to the hot search on Weibo, sparking various discussions, including the stigma of the disease and some misunderstandings based on panic. A common misconception is that sex is what causes the corpus luteum to rupture. In fact, external force is only one of the risk factors for luteal rupture, and many luteal rupture occurs in daily physical exercise, and some people suddenly have a rupture of the corpus luteum when they are just standing together, twisting their waists, or even sitting still.

Since corpus luteum rupture can occur during daily physical exercise, is it necessary for women to abstain from exercise during periods when the corpus luteum is prone to rupture? In fact, most of the time it is not necessary. This is because, first of all, most women's corpus luteum can "end of life" normally; Secondly, the overall health benefits of exercise are high, not only relieving premenstrual discomfort and relieving dysmenorrhea, but also maintaining physical and mental health. Therefore, if there are no uncomfortable symptoms, there is no need to deliberately stop exercising in the middle and late stages of menstruation. If you experience discomfort such as abdominal distension and dull pain in the middle and late stages of menstruation, it is prudent to reduce the intensity of exercise or suspend exercise.

Wang Donglian reminded that in order to avoid the occurrence of corpus luteum rupture as much as possible, women of childbearing age should pay attention to the following points: pay attention to self-protection, try to avoid strenuous exercise about a week before menstruation, and do not bear heavy objects; Do not overuse abdominal pressure, suffer from cough, habitual constipation and other diseases, and treat them in time; Don't be rough during sex, so as to prevent problems before they happen. If you have severe abdominal pain, especially if you have severe and persistent abdominal pain or lower abdominal distension after sex or exercise, you should seek medical attention in time. (Changsha Evening News)