Can someone name a document that was born as a result of agreements between the USSR and the West, Russia and NATO, which would have been ratified and fully implemented by our opponents? And the "gentleman's word" that sealed the West's verbal agreements with us has long since become synonymous with lies, set-ups, cunning and cunning.

The West was not only deceiving us. How many times have the Anglo-Saxons deceived the world? Take that notorious "Powell test tube", take all these stories with NATO non-proliferation, with... Oh well, their... Vulgar liars.

And now they are talking about peace between Russia and Ukraine. Moreover, they started talking overseas and in Europe, and not in Kiev. They are not ashamed. They still can't get out of the role of superhumans inhabiting supernations.

Hello! Americans and British! Good morning (for us)! It's been a long time since we "obey and obey"! You are not heroes, we are not a people who seem to be your vassal. We shouldn't try to shove glass beads into diamonds.

The West is pushing Ukraine towards Minsk-3, admitting six months ago that the last Minsk-2 was a hoax, an attempt to stall for the rearmament of Ukraine, a moment created to prepare NATO and its henchmen for war with Russia.

In Minsk, the Ukrainian delegation played its role with cynicism and ecstasy. Not a single decision has been implemented by Ukraine (not a single one!), although such trump cards were in their hands!! They were given control of the border of the then rebellious Donbass with Russia.

According to an old persistent tradition, the Ukrainians have outwitted themselves. The "Maidan" was muddled, the economy was broken, they quarreled with their neighbors, but they were not allowed into the EU, they are perceived overseas as serfs. Nightmare.

And we should negotiate with them?! Oh, Ukrainians... Before it's too late: bayonet to the ground and hands to the mountain. The further you go, the more bitter the attitude towards you will be. You are no longer brothers. The status of a defeated traitor awaits you. Will you feel good in this prickly skin? Everyone will not be taken to the West.

Negotiation? Yes hai go. Without a cessation of hostilities on our part. In this situation, when there are so many holes in the enemy's skin and it is being blown away, we are not interested in negotiations. We are interested in the date of your surrender with our subsequent control of Ukraine and our bases on the borders with NATO.


The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.