Fuzhou, November 11 (Lu Yizhi, Lu Wenfeng, Zhang Yifan) Narrow and long, flexible and tough, this is the characteristics of ropes, and it is also a true portrayal of Li Xianglei, squad leader of the third squadron of the special service brigade of the Fujian Provincial Forest Fire Brigade, in rope rescue technology.

Li Xianglei collaborated with his teammates to complete the ropes race. (Second from left) Photo by Lu Wenfeng

In September 2015, Li Xianglei joined the national fire and rescue team. In 9, after the team transformation and reform, Li Xianglei's squadron was positioned as a rope rescue squadron within the special service team system. As a squad leader, he is still a "blank slate" in rope rescue, and he feels panicked in the face of the new training subjects and new equipment of rope rescue, "can't operate" and "lack of experience".

"If you don't practice martial arts, you won't be considered a qualified soldier", this is the motto Li Xianglei set to motivate himself. He said that the more skills we have, the better we can protect the people's safety. In order to make up for the shortcomings, Li Xianglei worked day and night to tackle key rope training subjects, tried to explore over and over again on the training ground, and at night, he did not forget to learn theories in books and watch teaching videos on the Internet.

In order to absorb more excellent experience and technical knowledge, he also took the initiative to learn from well-known coaches from Beijing Fenghuangling National Earthquake Emergency Rescue Training Base, Kunming Training Corps of the National Fire and Rescue Administration and other units.

Through personal hard work and bold study, he is familiar with the performance parameters of each rope equipment, proficient in various rope rescue equipment, can apply rope rescue technology to actual combat, and has become the leading rope expert in the unit.

Li Xianglei led his teammates to the rope competition site. Photo by Lu Wenfeng

Rope rescue is also a test of brain power, the rescue program has unlimited possibilities, nearly 1,000 pieces of rope equipment, more than 100 kinds of knots, hundreds of equipment combinations, Li Xianglei knows that the development of the rescue plan directly determines the success or failure of the rescue, only by insisting on hard training and strict training, continuous research and summary, in order to choose the best way to match in the shortest possible time, faster, better and safer to complete the rescue mission.

The first time Li Xianglei used rope rescue technology to participate in real rescue was in September 2020, according to his recollection, when they were cleaning up the fire, they found that there were several fire points under a cliff, and the personnel could not directly approach the disposal. Li Xianglei and his team members quickly returned to the equipment vehicle to get rope equipment, and he calmly set up a rope descent system on a thick tree stump as a fixed point, and carried fire extinguishing equipment down the cliff, and successfully extinguished the fire point in a short time.

Li Xianglei studied rope technique with his teammates during rope training. (Third from left) Photo by Lu Wenfeng

At the beginning of 2021, in order to take the rope rescue technology of the brigade to a higher level, the special service team aimed at the two international rope rescue events of "Rope Life" and "Grude", and gathered a 10-person Weiying rope team with Li Xianglei as the core to prepare for the event. Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the two international rope rescue events have been postponed for three years, and in the past three years, he has always been firm in his ideals, and has not given up his dreams.

Under his leadership, many firefighters have also begun to study rope rescue technology, and the training day after day has developed a very high team fit.

Li Xianglei and his teammates conduct rope training in the valley. Photo by Lu Wenfeng

In September this year, after three years of hard training, the rope team went out to participate in the 9rd Gruide World Rope Rescue Championship Asia held in Ruyuan, Guangdong. This is Li Xianglei's first time participating in an international rope rescue event.

"Two more, come on! Keep pulling the rope. Seven firefighters from the rope rescue team of the Special Service Brigade cooperated with each other to build a rescue passage with ropes on a 7-meter-high embankment. In the game, Li Xianglei paid close attention to each key link, carefully formulated rescue plans, focused on the details of each action, and did not let any link go wrong, and 10 professional rescue teams from Belgium, Sweden, Japan and other countries, as well as all over the country, gathered together to start a fierce competition.

Li Xianglei conducts rope training. Photo by Lu Wenfeng

In the end, under his leadership, the participating teams showed excellent cooperation ability and superb rope rescue skills, and won the first place in three single subjects and the third score in medical technology in the double-blind group, and won the championship with an absolute advantage. (ENDS)