Tariq Salmi, spokesman for Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, ridiculed the Israeli claims that it was able to deal severe blows to the infrastructure of the resistance inside the Gaza Strip and that its ability to confront has become limited.

In a phone call with Al Jazeera, Salmi confirmed that the resistance in the Gaza Strip was able to inflict severe blows on the occupation forces and forced it to retreat in the north and center of the Gaza Strip.

He also stressed that the resistance has strategic and tactical policies to confront the occupation forces, and that it has developed plans and can continue fighting for several months.

He said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his security and political leaders are in a dilemma and embarrassment before the Israeli public, due to the failure of his forces to achieve military successes on the ground in the face of the resistance.

"These forces have become afraid of ground confrontations, after they discovered the superior ability of the resistance men during the clashes and dealt with them from zero distance, which explains the occupation's resort to bombing civilians, and carrying out dozens of massacres daily to cover up its failure to achieve military goals," he said.

The leader of the Islamic Jihad stressed the resistance's commitment and steadfastness in the face of the Israeli aggression, which he said exceeded all humanitarian, legal and moral conventions, and flouted them.

He stressed that the Israeli occupation considers every Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank a permissible target, "and even animals in Gaza have not been spared from its bombing."

He also criticized the positions of Arab countries on the aggression, saying that the Arab attempts did not reach the level of seeking to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, but are "more like public relations."

He denounced "the inability of Arab countries to exercise sovereignty over their border crossings with Gaza, and their inability to deliver food and medicine to the Palestinians in Gaza."

He stressed that the positions of the Arab countries on what is happening in Gaza "confirm that the policies, decisions and positions of these countries are subject to the hands of Zionism and the United States of America. This raises the question of the reality of sovereignty in these countries."

The resistance is not asking Arab countries to send armies to defend Gaza, but rather a serious Arab stance to support the Palestinians, who have made great sacrifices, he said.

"We ask the Arabs to cancel peace treaties and agreements in all their forms with the Zionist entity, as well as to close its embassy and the embassy of the United States, which supports it in killing the Palestinian people," he said.