In late autumn, many people have started the foot soaking health mode, hoping to take advantage of this to regulate their bodies. The reporter interviewed Wang Dong, deputy chief physician of the Health Management Center of the Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jiangsu Province, and learned that foot soaking has many benefits such as dispelling cold and keeping warm, relieving fatigue, and improving sleep, but it does not mean that it is suitable for everyone.

It is best to soak your feet 1-2 hours before going to bed, soak your feet and don't sweat... The "suggestions" given by these Internet bloggers, in Wang Dong's view, can only be "half right" in many cases. He explained that foot soaking, which seems to be a "pollution-free" health regimen, also needs to be treated differently according to the different physiques of different people. "If it is a person with yin deficiency constitution, the yin fluid is relatively insufficient, and these people are prone to dryness (such as dry skin, dry mouth, etc.), and soaking their feet and sweating is undoubtedly hurting yin. But if a person is simply damp (such as white greasy moss), soaking their feet and sweating is still beneficial. ”

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the key to health preservation in autumn and winter is "hiding", and there is no need to blindly pursue fever and sweat to feel comfortable when soaking your feet. Generally speaking, healthy people can soak their feet in warm water, which is suitable for feeling a little warm and sweating slightly, and the water for soaking their feet can not exceed the ankle joint and instep. "However, if you want to add various Chinese herbal medicines to the foot soaking water in order to achieve the purpose of preventing colds, laxative liver fire, warming yang and dissipating cold, etc., you must consult a doctor's advice, and you must not blindly 'add' by yourself."

In addition, patients with heart disease, cardiac insufficiency, low blood pressure, frequent dizziness, and swelling of the lower limbs are not recommended to soak their feet, because when they soak their feet, the blood vessels in the feet dilate, the blood flow accelerates, and the blood of the whole body will flow from the important organs to the feet, resulting in ischemia and hypoxia of important organs such as the heart and brain, and aggravating the corresponding symptoms. "It is best not to soak your feet when you are hungry and full, so as not to affect the blood supply to the stomach and cause discomfort in the body." Wang Dong added.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Xu Qianqian