Turpan, Xinjiang

An old and young city

As an important town on the ancient Silk Road

Thousands of years ago, camel bells rang melodiously here, and business travel was endless

Kumtag Desert. Image courtesy of Visual China

Nowadays, high-speed trains pass through the city, and planes come and go endlessly

A modern city is on the rise

Gaochang District, Turpan City. Photo by Mutalifu

This has the Flaming Mountain in "Journey to the West".

Through the interpretation of the TV series "Journey to the West".

Turpan's Flaming Mountains are almost a household name

It has become an important tourist business card of the local area

Turpan Flaming Mountain. Photo by Liu Yujie

Overlooking the Flaming Mountain. Photo by Huang Bin

Flaming Mountain is one of the branches of the Tianshan Mountains

The lateral movement of the earth's crust leaves numerous folded bands

Then it is stripped by wind and rain

The undulating hills and vertical and horizontal ravines of the Flaming Mountains were formed

The temperature of the golden hoop rod thermometer in the Flame Mountain Scenic Area exceeds 50 degrees. Photo by Mutalifu

Because of the Flaming Mountain

Turpan is also known as the "City of Fire"

Special geographical conditions create the "furnace effect"

There is such a saying in the local area

"You can bake flatbread on the stones

Hard-boiled eggs in the sand nest"

Overlooking the grape ditch. Photo by Huang Bin

"Fire Island" also has a side of coolness

There is an oasis in the canyon on the west side of the Flaming Mountain

It is named Grape Gully because of its abundance of grapes

Nowadays, it has become a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction

Grape ditch. The picture comes from Turpan Zero Distance

Nearly 100 varieties of grapes are planted in the grape ditch

It is a natural grape museum

Spring of Grape Gully. Photo by Huang Bin

In the summer

The sun is scorching on the Flame Mountain, and not a single grass grows

The grape ditch is full of flowing water and green trees

It is the cool world of Turpan, the "island of fire".

There is a qanats that are as famous as the Great Wall

Karez Scenic Area. Photo by Mutalifu

Turpan karez is with

The Great Wall and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal are equally famous

One of the three great projects of ancient China

It is related to Dujiangyan in Sichuan and Lingqu in Guangxi

The juxtaposition is known as the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese working people

It is also the world's largest underground water conservancy irrigation system

Residents wash vegetables in the karez nullah. The picture comes from Turpan Zero Distance

The karez is a unique cultural relic of Xinjiang

Known as the "lifeline of the Silk Road"

Turpan Karez

It is composed of shafts, culverts and dams

The total length is about 5000 km

Therefore, some people say that it is the "underground Great Wall"

Tourists visit the qanats culvert. Photo by Liu Xin

It is home to the lowest lake in China, Ayding Lake

Scenery of Lake Aydin. Courtesy of Turpan Rong Media Center

Aydin Lake is located in

Chatkal Township, Gaochang District, Turpan City

The elevation of the lake is - 154.43 meters

It is the lowest lake in China

Second only to the Dead Sea in Jordan

It is known as the second largest land lowland in the world

It is also the lowest land altitude in China

Ayding Lake, Uyghur means moonlight lake

It is named because its shape resembles the moon

There are the closest cities to the desert

A city of sand. Photo by Li Baomin

Shanshan County is on the east side of the Turpan Basin

It is a city connected to the desert

It has the title of "City of Sands".

Kumtag Desert. Image courtesy of Visual China

Over here

There is the closest desert to the city

Kumtag Desert

It is the only desert in the world that is connected to a city

It is known as the "desert in the city".

Tourists have a sand therapy session at a sand spa center. Photo by Mutalifu

Standing at the southern end of Shanshan County

As far as the eye can see, you can see the Kumtag Desert

Experience the vastness of the desert on the edge of the city

Look at the city lights in the long sand

It is a spectacle where the desert is closely connected to the oasis

It is rich and diverse in history and culture

Turpan City is an important town on the ancient Silk Road


俯瞰交河故城。黄彬 摄












俯瞰高昌故城。黄彬 摄































Turpan grapes. Photo by Huang Weidong

It is the main production base of grapes in China

The existing grape varieties include seedless white and red grapes

There are more than 500 kinds of black grapes, roses, white brecks, etc

Turpan tricolor grapes. Photo by Mutalifu

The wine industry has become one of the important industries in Turpan

More than 40 wineries of various types have been built

There are more than 20 wineries with SC production certification

Wine cellar of a wine company in Turpan. The picture comes from Turpan Zero Distance

At the end of 2015, "Turpan Wine"

Obtained the national geographical indication protection of the product

In 2019, Turpan was rated as "World Characteristic Wine Production Area"

This is the city of gardens

Grape promenade in Turpan City. Photo by Lin Jian

Walk into the grape promenade in Gaochang District, Turpan City

The green shade above the head is full of greenery when you look up

The crystal-clear grapes are mouth-watering

Turpan Grape Spring Square Park. Photo by Mutalifu

This is only a microcosm of Turpan's efforts to build a garden city

In 2020, Turpan City successfully passed

National water-saving city pre-acceptance

Turpan City, Gaochang District, artificial lake grape spring. Photo by Mutalifu

At present, the green area of the urban area reaches 12000,<> acres

The annual water saving is 485.<> million cubic meters

There is "the first spring in Xinjiang"

Tuoxun County, Turpan City

It is the first place in Xinjiang to usher in spring

Overlooking the 10,000 acres of apricot garden in Tuoxun County. (Data map) Photo by Hu Guokai

Every year around the time of the spring equinox

10,000 acres of apricot blossoms in Tuoxun County have bloomed one after another

It attracts tourists from inside and outside Xinjiang

Stroll among the flowers

The main venue of the Apricot Blossom Festival is full of tourists. Photo by Li Jinghai

While enjoying the beautiful scenery of the apricot blossoms

Read local folk customs and traditional food

The melons and fruits here are fragrant and the food is attractive

Except for grapes

Turpan is also rich in apricots, cantaloupe, watermelon, peaches, etc

Apricot display in Tuoxun County, Turpan City. Photo by Gou Jipeng

Around May every year

The characteristic forest fruits of Turpan have matured one after another

Turpan baked buns. The picture comes from Turpan Zero Distance

Turpan's special food is main

There are kebabs, pilaf, noodle soup, and stewed lamb

Naan, Wowo Naan, Xinjiang mixed noodles, roasted whole sheep, thin-skinned buns, etc

Tuoxun noodles. The picture comes from Turpan Zero Distance

The AI also went to Turpan in the fall

Let's take a look at Turpan in autumn through the eyes of AI

Feel the rich history and culture

Discover the wonders of deserts and oases

Savor delicious melons and fruits

How can a person not come to Turpan in his life?

Author: Gou Jipeng

Source: WeChat public account of China News Service