In the face of the flu peak, who should not get the flu vaccine?

Children with asthma aged 2~4 years old and pregnant women are prohibited from receiving live attenuated vaccine

Changsha Evening News, November 11 (All-media reporter Yang Weiran, correspondent Wang Feng) With the arrival of autumn and winter, the influenza virus began to be quietly active. In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of influenza and protect the health of medical staff and patients, Hunan Aerospace Hospital has done a good job of protecting itself, and the Hospital Infection Management Department, in collaboration with the Children's Health Care and Rehabilitation Department, has recently carried out "door-to-door" influenza vaccination for people in high-risk departments, so as to build a solid health barrier for employees and ensure that employees can better provide health services for the masses.

Chen Xueqian, director of the hospital's children's health and rehabilitation department, said that influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses, which spreads quickly and covers a wide range of infections, and may even be life-threatening in severe cases. Influenza vaccination is an important public health measure to prevent and control the spread of influenza. It is recommended that the recipient receive the influenza vaccine one month before the influenza season, and the antibodies can reach the protective level after 2~4 weeks of influenza vaccination. If you are not fully vaccinated before the start of the epidemic season, you can be vaccinated for the entire epidemic season.

The following groups of people should not be vaccinated against influenza

1. Those who are allergic to any of the components contained in the vaccine (including excipients, formaldehyde, lysates and antibiotics), or who have a history of severe allergy to any kind of influenza vaccination, are prohibited from vaccination.

2. Patients with acute diseases, severe chronic diseases or acute attacks of chronic diseases, as well as patients with fever, are recommended to be vaccinated after recovery or stable control.

3. Patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome within 6 weeks after previous influenza vaccination are recommended to be evaluated by a doctor and considered whether to be vaccinated. It is important to note that the following groups of people are prohibited from receiving live attenuated vaccines:

(1) Those who are immunocompromised due to the use of drugs, HIV infection and any other reasons;

(2) Children and adolescents who have been treated with drugs containing aspirin or salicylic acid for a long time;

(2) Children aged 4~<> years old with asthma;

(4) pregnant women;

(5) Those with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome;

(48) Those who have used antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir and zanamivir 5 hours before vaccination, or those who have used peramivir 17 days before vaccination, or those who have used baloxavir <> days before vaccination.

What to look out for after getting the flu vaccine

Chen Xueqian reminded that after receiving the flu vaccine, you need to stay in the vaccination unit for half an hour, and if there is no abnormality, you can leave on your own. After returning home, pay attention to rest, eat lightly, and avoid strenuous exercise. If there is any abnormality, you can consult and report it to the vaccination doctor, and if necessary, go to the hospital for medical treatment. (Changsha Evening News)