[same period] Deng Gaohu, the person in charge of Miluo Longzhong Wang Dragon Boat Factory

If the American customer is concerned, he reflects that our traditional Chinese dragon boats, including the fiberglass dragon boats they use, are more recognized and satisfied. They all sent emails, and in the emails he said that things made in China were "very good".

In Quzi Ancestral Town, Miluo, Hunan, Deng Gaohu, the person in charge of the Dragon Boat Factory, is sharing with reporters the "praise" he has received from the United States. He introduced that in 2022, the dragon boat factory will receive only 20 export orders, but this year, the number of export orders has doubled, and the proportion of export sales has increased from 10% in the past to 20% to 30%, and the export countries are in Singapore, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries, and new European and American countries have also been added.

It is understood that in order to meet the needs of the international market, Miluo exports dragon boats mainly use FRP composite materials, which are lighter and easier to maintain than traditional wooden dragon boats, and a single dragon boat requires 8 to 10 workers to take 2 days to make, and the price ranges from 3000,5000 to <>,<> US dollars. Xu Mingnan, the legal representative of Miluo Jiuzilong Quyuan Dragon Boat Co., Ltd., told reporters that overseas customers are not only overseas Chinese, but also various dragon boat clubs and schools, so they will make dragon boats that meet overseas needs on the basis of maintaining traditional characteristics.

【Period】Miluo Jiuzilong Quyuan Dragon Boat Co., Ltd.'s legal representative Xu Mingnan

The export products (styles) are basically still "dragon heads and dragon tails" (mainly). In terms of dragon body, the main thing in our country is spray-painted scales. If there are some foreign customers, they may just say that they still don't think it is suitable for them, and they will make some logos (logos) and make some words on them.

Li Jianjun, the legal representative of the Miluo Dragon Boat Association, said in an interview that dragon boat has become an international sports competition, and the popularity of dragon boat events around the world is one of the reasons why Miluo dragon boat is "hard to find" this year.

【Period】Li Jianjun, the legal representative of Miluo Dragon Boat Association

Now like the World Championships and World Cup of dragon boat races, it is not only used by overseas Chinese (dragon boats), but now every country is used by the national team. After all, Miluo is also recognized as the birthplace of dragon boats all over the world, so they still trust Miluo's dragon boats.

Li Jianjun believes that the overseas dragon boat market has broad prospects, and Miluo dragon boat is still in its infancy. At present, they mainly contact the international market through domestic and foreign trade companies, and hope to deepen cooperation with old customers and international sports companies in the future, broaden sales channels, and polish Miluo's brand name card of "the source of the Dragon Boat Festival and the hometown of dragon boats".

Fu Yu, Li Ying, and Zhang Wei report from Miluo, Hunan

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]