The martyr Palestinian leader Khalil al-Wazir "Abu Jihad" has an inspiring biography, from which we learn how resistance movements also need diplomatic work and international relations, a work that he mastered and excelled in along with his leadership of the armed resistance.

The biography of "Hebron" affected my personal life, so I dedicated my first book to him, "The Palestinian Intifada: The Revolution of the Civilizational Self", where I was interested in calling for the building of a new global media system in the face of the domination of the United States of America and Europe over the global media system, and its use to impose cultural colonialism, dependency and capitalist exploitation.

Abu Jihad had a vision based on the fact that the conflict in Palestine is the fulcrum of the global conflict, on which the fate of the north and south largely depends, and the geopolitical data confirm that the future of this conflict will affect the future of the whole world.

The Global Dimension of the Palestinian Question

Therefore, "Abu Jihad" sought to link the cause of Palestine with the issues of national liberation, and to establish relations with movements struggling against colonialism and dependency around the world, and he actually succeeded in transforming the cause of Palestine into a global issue, and the great Algerian revolution was one of the most important revolutions of national liberation that inspired him, and formed his vision of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine.

It is not strange, then, that the legendary leader of the Vietnamese resistance, General Phu Ngwen Giap, went to the headquarters of the PLO embassy in Hanoi to pay a military salute to Abu Jihad, after his martyrdom, and to write in the condolence book, praising Abu Jihad's support for the Vietnamese people, and stressing his confidence that the Palestinian revolution will triumph in the end, just as the Vietnamese triumphed over the Americans.

Abu Jihad, for his part, saw the Vietnamese victory as an inspiration for the Palestinian resistance to achieve a decisive victory over Israel.

Was he just a man of war?!

The man's biography shows that he was a strategic military planner, and that he led the Palestinian resistance for a long period of time to carry out many heroic commando operations since the establishment of the "Storm" forces, the military wing of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the adoption of a strategy of armed struggle, no matter how weak the tools.

But he was not only that, but he was a writer and thinker, who practiced writing before the establishment of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and was entrusted with the editor-in-chief of its magazine after that to be the mouthpiece of the Palestinian struggle, and his views established the idea that the theory of Zionist violence can only be confronted with an Arab theory of violence that surpasses it culturally, and that there is no compromise solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, and every solution of this kind will be temporary; therefore, the conflict is based on a balance of wills, not a balance of power and interests.

Perhaps "Abu Jihad" is the first to build the concept: "conflict of wills", which is based on transferring the battle to the heart of the enemy, maintaining direct engagement with him, not allowing him to cut the lines of contact, shifting attrition from the field of tactics to the field of strategy, and focusing on the psychological and moral dimension of military operations that make the enemy feel insecure.

Abu Jihad asserts that the Palestinian gun must remain aimed at the enemy, and it is forbidden to use it in infighting between Palestinians, as he believed that the Palestinian people are the leaders, so the field must be opened for self-criticism, protecting democracy and deepening its methods of practice, and not focusing on people no matter how important they are.

A small bullet and a big will

When Abu Jihad decided to start the armed struggle in 1965, a member of Fatah's Central Committee asked him: What will your bullet do in the face of the Israeli army, which succeeded in producing an atomic bomb?

He replied: "Because the enemy owns this army, and because it succeeded in producing its nuclear bomb in Dimona, we can only confront it with our small bullet, with our great will."

But it seems that this question aroused the imagination of the stubborn fighter, so he gathered information about the Dimona reactor for many years, until he was able to plan a daring commando operation to destroy it on March 7, 1988, and the result of the operation was the killing of 3 experts in the nuclear reactor.

Despite the failure of the operation, it terrified the Israeli occupation army. She expressed a great and inspiring will to devise the means to confront brute force.

Many guerrilla operations have been carried out over the past quarter of a century, the most important of which is the Savoy Hotel attack in Tel Aviv, which resulted in the killing of 10 occupation soldiers, and the killing of the Israeli chief explosives expert and his assistant in Nablus in 1976.

In southern Lebanon, 8 Israeli soldiers were captured and kept for exchange for all Lebanese and Palestinian detainees, numbering more than five thousand.

He also planned to storm and bomb the headquarters of the Israeli military governor in Lebanon, in which 76 Israeli officers and soldiers were killed in 1982.

"Let us continue to attack, as the uprising has put our enemy in crisis; either he concedes or he is militant, and in both options his annihilation and death; if he retreats, we will pull on him, and if he is militant, we will fight and resist him, and we will continue to attack until he concedes, submits and leaves."

by Abu Jihad

Orientation to the Palestinian Interior

After the departure of the resistance from Lebanon, the battle was transferred into the Palestinian territory, and within 5 years, the stone intifada had broken out, and Abu Jihad was one of its influential leaders and seasoned ambassadors, and this uprising contributed to the formation of Arab and international public opinion that supports the right of the Palestinians to liberate their land.

At the same time, the intifada caused the Israeli occupier to lose control over many Palestinian towns and villages, until one enemy commander said that Abu Jihad had almost turned the occupied territory into areas that could not be ruled by Israel.

In 1988, Abu Jihad called for the expansion of the uprising to include spontaneous popular resistance using all available means such as stones, Molotov cocktails and knives.

He also formed a military force of its youth, to carry out commando actions against Israeli military targets.

Last message

In his message entitled: "Let's continue to attack", on the Voice of the Revolution radio on March 27, 1988, "Abu Jihad" called on the people to reject any calm, complacency or coexistence with the occupation, and said: "Let's continue the attack, the uprising has put our enemy in crisis;

He added: "Let us continue the attack so that we do not allow anyone to circumvent and surround our uprising, and we cannot repeat the failures of the past, and allow anyone to repeat the history of the fateful call made by the Arab rulers to our people in the 1936 revolution to end the uprising and the general strike."

He said: "Our uprising almost destroys everything that the enemy imagined that it was built by Ochida in 40 years of rape and occupation, and the achievement of the uprising heroic and honorable by all values and standards, but the battle is still in its vigor, and victory – as the Mujahideen say – patience hour, we have no choice but to escalate the uprising and continue to attack, and this means to set an example in the initiative and giving and sacrifice, the spirit of the attack is always fueled by the fire of sacrifice and the flame of giving glowing. "

The Israeli occupation discovered that the Palestinian people were responding to the directives of "Abu Jihad", violated the sovereignty of the Tunisian state, stormed his house, and fired 74 bullets at his body to obtain martyrdom after a journey of struggle and sacrifice, which is the noble conclusion that a leader who lived and sacrificed for the liberation of Palestine deserves.