【Commentary】With a crisp honking, a train full of goods slowly drove out of Xiaonanya Station. Chongqing is located at the junction of the "Belt and Road" construction and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Xiaonanya Station is located in Jiangjin District, Chongqing City, close to Luohuang Port and Chongqing Ring Expressway, within 10 kilometers can realize molten iron public transportation, and can go to sea from Qinzhou Port in Guangxi in two days. In recent years, thanks to the construction of the new land-sea channel in the west and the opening of the China-Europe train, Xiaonanya Station has undergone capacity expansion and transformation from a small freight station to an avenue hub.

Recently, the reporter came to Xiaonanya Station and saw that the old station building has been demolished, and the new house that rose up on the old site is an operation building. As far as the eye can see, there are layers of railways to the starting line, gantry cranes, containers, a hot scene. However, before the expansion, there were only 5 railway lines to Xiaonanya Station.

【During the same period】Jiang Guangquan, secretary of the general branch of the party at Xiaonanya Station of the Sichuan-Qianqian Railway

Xiaonanya Station (before expansion) is a small 4th class station on the Sichuan-Qian Line, which opened in the 20s of the 70th century. Its old station house is on the hill (that location). (Xiaonanya Station) used to serve mainly Luohuang Port, and its arrival goods were mainly coal and phosphate ore. The number of [staff] is also small, only about 10 people.

【Commentary】Because of the advantages of Xiaonanya's opening-up, the Jiangjin District People's Government cooperated with China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd. to invest 45.2011 billion yuan to start the expansion and transformation of Xiaonanya. The renovation was launched in 2018 and completed at the end of 5, increasing the number of railway lines to 12, adding 13 new freight lines, and expanding from a small freight station with a very small area and transportation capacity to the Xiaonanya Railway Logistics Center covering an area of 1500,2000 mu and with an annual transportation capacity of more than <> million tons.

【During the same period】Jiang Guangquan, secretary of the general branch of the party at Xiaonanya Station of the Sichuan-Qianqian Railway

The sending volume of Xiaonanya Station is increasing year by year. Our staff has also increased to more than 90 compared to the past. Some new positions have been added, such as container dispatcher, container freight forwarder and warehouse freight forwarder.

【During the same period】Shi Yanjun, deputy director of the hub operation department of Jiangjin Luohuang Lingang Industrial City

Xiaonanya Railway Logistics Center is the main departure station for our Jiangjin train to open the new land-sea channel in the west. Among them, the annual throughput capacity of containers can reach 60,<> TEU, so it provides good infrastructure conditions for us to open the new land-sea channel train in the west.

【Commentary】Only "one street away" from Xiaonanya Station is the Jiangjin Comprehensive Bonded Zone, which was closed and operated in 2017. At the end of 2018, the capacity expansion and transformation of Xiaonanya Station was completed, and the first rail-sea combined transport train of the new land-sea corridor in the west was issued. Since then, electrolytic copper, fruit, pulp, etc. from Southeast Asia, wood and grain from Siberia, have been continuously transported here; Cars, motorcycles, bulldozers, electronic components, etc. in western China are also distributed from here and distributed to all parts of the world. According to statistics, as of the end of August 2023, Xiaonanya Station has issued more than 8,1500 trains of the new western land-sea channel.

In the eyes of Shi Yanjun and other industry insiders, the potential of Xiaonanya Station has not been fully released. Shi Yanjun revealed to reporters that in terms of industrial drive, in the future, Luohuang Lingang Industrial City will also rely on Xiaonanya Station to target the "new blue ocean" layout of new industries, such as second-hand car export, high-speed rail freight, cross-border e-commerce freight, etc.

【During the same period】Shi Yanjun, deputy director of the hub operation department of Jiangjin Luohuang Lingang Industrial City

In the next step, on the basis of continuously promoting the quality improvement of trains, we will also use the open platform function of our comprehensive insurance zone to cultivate new trade formats. For example, we have now reached cooperation intentions with some second-hand car export related enterprises, and are ready to establish a second-hand car export alliance to build a second-hand car export base in the Jiangjin Comprehensive Protection Zone.

Jing Shiyan reported from Chongqing

Responsible Editor: [Ji Xiang]