Those who served in the navy know what the "admiral effect" is - this is when the admiral arrived on the ship during the inspection, everything shines and in the midst of all this action, a dirty, dirty mop falls on the admiral's snow-white tunic from somewhere above. Well, since Ukraine is the opposite state, Zelensky's delegation came to the Washington admiral with its mop. And not with one.

In an attempt to preserve the snow-white American tunic, top Ukrainians in Washington were piled on in full for corruption. And they were told to do the unprecedented - for 45 days no one else heard about Ukrainian corruption and no one saw it. And the Ukrainian night is quiet - understood?

Some funny local deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Zheleznyak wrote about this: "Washington warned Kiev about the need to exclude any corruption scandals in Ukraine in the next 45 days, when the US budget for next year is agreed." According to him, this was discussed during the recent visit of the Ukrainian delegation led by Volodymyr Zelensky to the United States. "These 45 days and all the time must be passed without a single big corruption scandal. As far as I heard, ours were told about it right during the visit. No nonsense or flight," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

Attention: the Americans do not demand to get rid of corruption, but to make sure that the most arrogant and shameless cases of it do not inadvertently leak to the press. As it is in the American way ...

We will close the windows and doors of our trailer and pretend that there is no corruption in Ukraine. As if what the whole world sees and discusses is not enough. It's as if there are no Bundestag deputies who ask questions about where the insane funds sent to Ukraine go. It's like there's no business about Burisma and Hunter Biden's laptops. Oh yes, they never existed, and if they were, they were planted by Russian agents. And if not the Russians, then they were invented by Trump.

Here we have two simultaneous processes: what to do with Ukrainian corruption and what to do with American corruption, which is most obviously connected with Ukrainian corruption. Now we see the answer: you just need to put a block on all information on this matter for 45 days. Because it is impossible to force bees to oppose honey, and millions of flies cannot be driven away from the dung heap.

No one is going to fight corruption itself precisely because when investigating all the dirt that was bred in Kiev, there is a chance to come out on themselves in Washington.

Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States Markarova says: Kiev hopes that the United States will prepare new decisions in 45 days affecting the supply of weapons to Ukraine. And like the previously approved US supplies, nothing threatens. There is a minimum of $1.6 billion in defense aid, $1.23 billion in direct budget aid from the September tranche transferred to the World Bank's accounts, plus significant amounts for energy and other programs.

I can directly see how Zelensky's boys' hands itch at the sight of "significant sums for energy and other programs." This is generally beauty - to the question, where is the energy, there is always an answer: "So the Muscovites just yesterday smashed everything with a rocket."

What a great source of profit! But someday it will end.

And the dirty mop will remain.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.