Solène Delinger 17:01 pm, October 02, 2023

Muriel Robin is on the poster of "Eyes Grands Fermés", a poignant TV movie on incest, broadcast this Monday, October 2 on TF1. It is on this occasion that the actress gave an exclusive interview to our colleagues of "Télé-Loisirs". An interview in which she confided in an old addiction from which she would never have recovered without his wife Anne Le Nen.

Muriel Robin is back on the front of the stage. Currently at the theater for the play Lapin with Pierre Arditi, the actress is also on the poster of Eyes Grands Fermés, a poignant and necessary TV movie on incest, broadcast this Monday, October 2 on TF1. In Les Yeux Grands Fermés, Muriel Robin plays the role of Anne-Marie, a grandmother without history whose life turns upside down the day she realizes that her grandson Adrien, 6, is sexually abused by his father Stéphane, who is none other than his own son. Muriel Robin thus gives the answer to Guillaume Labbé, amazing in the role of Stéphane, an incestuous father who was himself a victim in his childhood.

READ ALSO- INTERVIEW - Guillaume Labbé in "Les Yeux Grands Fermés" on TF1: "I was afraid to play the role of an incestuous father"

Interviewed by our colleagues from Télé-Loisirs on the occasion of the broadcast of the TV movie this Monday evening on TF1, Muriel Robin confided in her political struggles, against domestic violence and incest, but also on her private life. At 68 years old, the actress has found an inner peace that she did not have a few years ago... In pain, the star anesthetized his pain by "drinking a lot".

"I was a worldly alcoholic. Many people on this planet are and do not recognize it. They lie to each other," she explained to our colleagues at Télé-Loisirs, before remembering the moment when she became aware of her alcoholism: "When I understood that it was abnormal to drink a bottle of champagne almost a night. My father had the bad idea to make me drink a bottle of Sancerre when I was only twelve years old. It was immediately in my hard drive. So yes, I masked for a long time with alcohol, "also said Muriel Robin.

"Maybe I would have destroyed myself, we'll never know"

The actress managed to get by thanks to his wife Anne Le Nen. "When I met Anne, and even though I had already started working on myself, she told me: 'If you want to destroy yourself, go for it, but I can't watch someone I love destroy himself.' It's a chance to meet someone who tells you that. If I am very honest, I only detached myself from the emotional reflex of alcohol a year ago. I met Anne at 51, I am now 68. I don't know if I would have succeeded on my own because I might still have had hard knocks or suffering that would have come up. Maybe I would have destroyed myself, maybe not, we will never know, "concluded Muriel Robin, eternally grateful to his wife who has never stopped supporting her in her fight against alcoholism.