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Potatoes (symbolic image)

Photo: Jens Wolf/ dpa

Unknown persons have illegally disposed of food on a large scale in Ahrensburg in the Stormarn district. Officers of the police highway and district district had discovered on Wednesday after a witness around 900 kilograms of potatoes and large quantities of onions and melons, police said. The crops, most of which were packed in bags and cartons, were found at a total of nine field entrances near the Stapelfeld waste incineration plant. According to previous assessments, the police classify the action as an administrative offense under the Circular Economy Act.

According to a police spokeswoman, the potatoes were packed in ten-kilo bags with the imprint of a Spanish producer. All the food was not spoiled, but still edible, she said. The police are now hoping for clues from witnesses who made unusual observations in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday near the site.
