On Thursday, September 21, the dramatic film "Alien" with Anna Slyu in the title role is released. The acting ensemble also includes Zoya Bagynanova, Artyom Tkachenko, Nyurgun Bechigen, Ilyana Pavlova, Andrey Kurilov and others. The director was Alexei Lukanev, who previously worked on the projects "Sword. Season Two", "Old Shots", "My Life".

The film is based on Inga Oboldina's novel "Mot Ne". The author, according to the producer of the film Nikolai Gevorgyan, was inspired by a real story, which was written about in Soviet periodicals.

In the center of the plot is an educated, witty business woman Dina. She manages major projects and at the same time took place as a wife and mother. One day, Dina concludes a multimillion-dollar contract and goes to the Far North. On the way back, a helicopter with a woman on board crashes. A local shaman finds her in the forest, takes her to the village and puts her on her feet. Dina, as if fallen from another planet, violates the usual rhythm of the tribe, living according to the laws of the wild. She is a stranger to them, just as they are to her. The difficulties of mutual understanding lead to the fact that Dina lingers for many years in the settlement, away from her relatives and the benefits of civilization. She is forced to pacify her rebellious temper and undergo severe tests of endurance before she returns home.

The first half of the film fascinates with the indescribable and striking beauty of Siberia, in particular the Yakut National Park "Lena Pillars" and the Kangalassky Cape. The visuals are breathtaking, and psychedelic music, filled with ethnic motifs, has a meditative effect and enhances the effect of immersion in what is happening on the screen.

  • Shot from the movie "Alien"
  • © kinopoisk.ru

The exotic nature and lifestyle of the characters, as well as the plot as a whole, are intriguing, and at times even terrifying. It is very exciting to watch how the heroine adapts to a way of life that was previously alien to her in the Arctic and overcomes obstacles in her path, but it is unlikely that any of the viewers will want to be in her place.

At the same time, it is not entirely correct to equate Dina's path with heroism, since many Russians outside large cities exist in similar conditions. And this, by the way, the authors symbolically reflect in the film, touching on the topics of involuntary marriage, practiced in some regions of the country, the purpose of a woman, which in this case is determined through the acceptance of her essence and vocation, as well as talking about eternal values and choosing the right path.

Among the controversial decisions in the film is the completely unjustified appearance of Anna Slew in the nude. The scene in which her heroine runs out naked into the cold in delirium is unfounded.

But at the same time, of course, it is spectacular, and complements the previous episode, which is just filled with symbolism: the shaman cuts the clothes on the wounded Dina and throws rags into the fire - so, with each smoldering flap, Dina finds herself farther and farther from her former life.

  • Shot from the movie "Alien"
  • © kinopoisk.ru

The second half of the tape, when the heroine reunites with her family, and up to the finale, despite the natural ending, seems crumpled and ill-conceived. For example, when she returns to her husband and daughter, Dinah does not tell them about her misadventures and is not interested in what they went through while she was gone, but instead makes unreasonable demands.

Further actions of the heroine create a feeling of rough summing up to the completion desired by the authors. Therefore, Dina ends up being more repulsive than sympathetic. The viewer is more likely to sympathize with the character of Nyurgun Bechigan, who throughout the film is undergoing a colossal transformation - from a rude and brutal hunter, he turns into a loving and selfless man with a big heart.

According to the director, the purpose of the film is to awaken in the viewer a desire to return to his origins and help him realize what ideals he has surrounded himself with and what he strives for. However, clumsy summing up to the finale causes an internal protest. The authors of the picture deliberately ignore the lines of other characters, frankly pushing the audience to certain conclusions, which indicates a gaping gap in the plot. Of course, such an exotic mission as the heroine of Slew takes place in feature films, but by focusing on her, the authors of the tape lose sight of other important points, as a result of which Dina's obligations towards her relatives remain somewhere on the sidelines, which negates the past charm of the heroine.