At the end of July this year, in Bole City, Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xu, a bank lobby manager, found an anomaly when combing through his accounts: 7 days ago, a man named Chen Liang applied for three savings cards in succession, and within the next 10 days, these three savings cards had large amounts of money ranging from 3,10 yuan to 3 million yuan per day. This is a clear feature of suspected money laundering crimes.

Suspects are quickly reported to the police. After multiple investigations, the location of the suspect's den gradually became clear, and according to the regional division, this illegal clue was handed over to the Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District) Branch of the Urumqi Public Security Bureau for investigation.

On August 8, the bureau's criminal investigation brigade smashed this illegal den in one fell swoop and arrested 6 criminal suspects suspected of helping information network criminal activities.

The average age of these people is 25 years old, of which 25-year-old Xu is the leader, and in just two months, he led his "little brother" to frantically launder 6000 million yuan for overseas telecommunications network fraud gangs.

Recently, in an interview with a reporter from "Rule of Law Daily", he promised to recall that illusory and presumptuous time. Here's his statement:

Because I wanted to be a "big brother", I was exposed to money laundering.

After dropping out of secondary school, I worked odd jobs for 5 years in a row, which was boring with the precarious and hard work, and most importantly, the salary was not enough to meet my daily needs.

In June 2022, through the introduction of a friend, I met Chen Ke in my hometown ×× Province.

When we met, Chen Ke, dressed in gold and silver, was lying on a luxurious sofa, and the decoration of his home was full of luxury, which made me very excited. "Found the big boss!" I said to myself in my heart.

In order to express my sincerity, I knelt down and lit a cigarette for Chen Ke, and begged him to accept me as a "little brother" in a low voice, just so that I could live a life of brocade clothes and food.

Chen Ke readily agreed. He bluntly said that his cooperation with overseas telecommunications network fraud gangs mainly relies on bank cards to engage in money laundering, "fraud, gambling, extortion, the money of these gangs is not clean." So we need to 'launder' the money so that they can spend it legally. Chen Ke said he took a high fee from it.

I was moved, and immediately handed in my 4 bank cards and got 8000,<> yuan reward.

Seeing that it was so easy to make money, I immediately asked my "little brother" to apply for a bank card in order to sell it for money. However, in the process of applying for the card, I found that the local government maintained a strict crackdown on the "two cards" crime, and if I didn't pay attention, I might be detected by the police.

Making money is important, self-protection is even more important.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to try my luck in the provinces. At the first stop, I set my sights on Xinjiang.

At the beginning of July this year, I took seven "little brothers" to Xinjiang by train.

I remember very well that on the night we arrived in Urumqi, we did not stop, and on the next 3 days, we went to various niche banks in Bole and Wusu and opened a number of bank cards.

After returning to Urumqi, I rented a different hotel with my "little brother" in order to hide my eyes. At the same time, I began to contact Chen Ke and use bank cards to help him launder money remotely.

The first time I operated, I was in the hotel room, closed the curtains, confirmed that the door was locked, then turned on the computer, took out the bank card and online banking equipment, and received the money and transferred money according to Chen Ke's request on the phone. It only takes 3 seconds to enter the payment password, but the money paid with it is often hundreds of thousands of yuan!

By the next morning, I had transferred millions of dollars. It's crazy! With excitement and the anticipation of making a lot of money, I went to sleep.

In just one day, I was paid 4000,4000 yuan. I hurriedly beckoned the "little brother" to go out to drink, dinner, bathe, and sing, and overnight, <>,<> yuan was squandered.

After experiencing the "happiness" of squandering, you are not willing to live an "ordinary" life. Since then, I have frequently recommended this business to "little brothers" in my hometown, friends and even netizens I met playing games.

"Money laundering or not? 1000 yuan per day! This phrase became my mantra. Previously, Chen Ke promised me that the commission for me to provide a bank card was 2000,<> yuan, for this reason, I divided half of my energy to attract "popularity", just to form a team, fine water, long flow, more money, great temptation.

Soon, our small team grew to 13 people.

Among them, "little brother" Chen Liang is the best at observing words and colors, and summed up a set of "card secrets" by himself, so I asked him to be in charge of the training of the entire team.

At the same time, I adhere to the principle of "do not show up for matters involving identity information", and divide the team into "Kanon" and "junior brother" levels, and the "junior brother" will come forward to train, supervise "Kanon", and assign tasks; The card is handled by "Kanon". In this way, I was able to remove any traces of my involvement in order to escape the blow.

Heading into August, everything went as I expected. During this period, we attracted nearly 8 people through the network to open bank accounts to facilitate money laundering.

The more money I earned, the more panicked my heart became, and just when I was about to stop, the road to doom began. In the early morning of August 8, when I was operating money laundering, the door was suddenly opened, and a group of police officers rushed in.

"How much was 'washed'?" The police asked.

I was shocked, and then I realized that the police had already known about our business.

"6000 million yuan." I say.

"We seized 18 mobile phones and seized 15 bank cards on the spot." Yin Haixu, a police officer from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District) Branch of the Urumqi Public Security Bureau in charge of the case, told reporters that previously, after receiving reports of abnormal situations, the police promptly deployed control, carefully explored and arranged, and arrested the criminal suspects in one fell swoop when the conditions were ripe. Unexpectedly, the Xinjiang police have also cracked down on the "two cards" crime.

At present, the case is being further investigated.

Tips from the police handling the case: The general public, especially young people, should enhance their awareness of prevention and identification ability, pay attention to protecting personal identity information and bank account information, and avoid being misappropriated by lawbreakers; Do not rent or lend personal payment information such as QR codes and account numbers to avoid becoming a money laundering tool.

(The people involved in the article of the Rule of Law Daily are pseudonyms, compiled by reporter Pan Congwu and correspondent Zhao Shucheng)