Jilin, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- Question: Surviving the Flood and Welcoming a Bumper Harvest "Daocheng" Shulan is again wafting with the fragrance of rice

China News Agency reporter Cang Yan Shi Hongyu

Another year of rice fragrant. In the early morning of the 21st, just after dawn and the dew on the rice ears had not completely faded, the 40-year-old He Xinjia picked up a sickle and worked with 20 villagers. The 500 acres of paddy fields he planted have no end in sight.

The rustling sound of "opening the sickle" began one after another, and the heavy golden rice was packed into bundles behind He Xinjia. Every acre of paddy field and every rice grain harvested this year is particularly precious to him.

On September 9, Jilin Shulan rice "opened the sickle". Photo by China News Agency reporter Cang Yan

At present, 75,216 mu of rice in Shulan City, Jilin Province have begun to be harvested. Shulan is a famous "rice city" in northeast China, with a total arable land area of 8.<> million mu. In early August, heavy rainfall hit Shulan, causing flooding in some townships, toppling crops and collapsing homes.

Ping'an Township, where He Xinjia's home is located, is one of the affected townships and is also the main rice-producing area in Shulan. As a well-known "marketing genius" in the town, He Xinjia, who runs a rice-growing family farm, has sold high-quality rice from his hometown to Beijing, and has many regular high-end customers.

"When the floods happen, customers are very concerned about us and ask if it will affect the harvest, and I tell them that they don't have to worry." He Xinjia said.

This rural man is familiar with farming. He explained that this year was supposed to be a good year for Shulan: abundant rain and warm and cold weather. "Each mu of paddy field should increase production by about 10%. Although the flood transit has reduced production on individual plots, combined production is expected to increase slightly compared to last year. ”

After the flood, the agricultural department of Shulan also took timely measures to ensure that grain production was maintained and increased. The local area is expected to produce 2023,41 tons of rice in 6, corn, soybeans, mixed grains and beans will also usher in a bumper harvest, and the total output of grain crops is expected to reach 120.<> million tons.

Cai Xingbao, general manager of Shulan Jimmy Grain Co., Ltd., said that in early October, organic rice "rice flower fragrance" and "small machi fragrance" will be on the market, and the new products will be sent to Guangdong, Hainan, Sichuan, Beijing, Shanghai and other provinces. "Guests can still eat Shulan rice this year."

The breeze is gentle and the rice waves are gusting. In more than 2,<> acres of high-standard farmland in Qili Village, Qili Township, Shulan City, the harvesting scene is equally spectacular. Su Yanhong, a member of the Lvjiayuan Rice Planting Cooperative in Qili Township, said that the early rice variety "Daohuaxiang No. <>" planted by the cooperative has gradually matured. "The market has a great demand for new rice, and it will definitely sell at a good price."

On September 9, rice was being harvested in Shulan City. Photo by China News Agency reporter Cang Yan

Swinging his scythe rhythmically in the busy field in the field, He Xinjia was able to complete the harvesting task of nearly an acre in a day. The upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival is the first window for new rice to go on the market, and he and the villagers need to seize the time to welcome this year's sales "red door". (End)