Solène Delinger // Photo credits: JOEL SAGET / AFP 18:15 pm, September 21, 2023

Marwan Berreni has still not given any sign of life since the beginning of August and the accident that his vehicle caused at the exit of a nightclub. In the columns of "Paris Match", the boss of the discotheque ensures that the actor was having a drink alone on the evening of the tragedy and would have left the scene around 23 p.m., the time of the accident.

Still no sign of life of Marwan Berreni... The actor of Plus belle la vie has totally vanished since August 3, when his car hit a young woman named Sandra, at the exit of a nightclub in Mâcon. Was Marwan Berreni behind the wheel of the vehicle? One thing is certain: the actor was in Mâcon around 23pm, and went to the nightclub of the city.

"He had his drink and left alone"

The owner of the establishment remembers very well seeing him that evening. "We had just opened. There is no one at 23pm," he told our colleagues at Paris Match, before specifying that the actor "was all alone". "He drank his drink, and left alone. He only stayed for ten minutes," he added.

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According to the owner of the discotheque, Marwan Berreni left the premises around 23:10 p.m., the time Sandra was hit. Police are still investigating whether the comedian was driving the vehicle. Searches were carried out at his home and his relatives, without success. Marwan Berreni is still missing, his friends and family have died of worry.

"A fortnight ago, I would have stuck a potato on him. But if he comes back tomorrow, I'll just want to take him in my arms, "recently confided one of his relatives to the Parisian. Marwan Berreni's phone was last used on August 4, the day after the accident. Ditto for his credit card. Since then, nothing... An investigation for "disturbing disappearance" was opened at the end of August to solve this mystery.