BEIJING, Sept 9 -- "The Internet has brought borderless communication, everyone can become a content creator, and more people can participate in the process of telling China's story well."

On September 9, a seminar on "Innovative International Communication and Telling China's Stories" sponsored by China News Service and undertaken by China News Network was held in Beijing. International media producer Justyna Szpakowska said at the conference.

Photo by international media producer Cuihua and China News Network reporter Li Peiyun

As a media person who has been fighting on the front line to tell Chinese stories to the West for more than a decade, Cuihua shared her experience on international communication.

When talking about cross-cultural communication, Cuihua said that there is a word called "culture competence", that is, cultural communication ability, we must first understand the cultural background of others, and then communicate with others, which is our basic literacy in cross-cultural communication. In cross-cultural communication, we learn to judge the culture of others without our own cultural background, because the world is very big, very diverse, and we are very different.

Cuihua pointed out that culture is contextual, Chinese culture is a high-context culture, and Western culture is a low-context culture. "When I first came to China, a friend said to me on Wednesday, 'Cuihua, I'll treat you to dinner in two days,' and on Friday I thought, 'Why hasn't he called me yet?'" ’”。 Therefore, for cross-cultural communication and international communication, we must accurately know who the audience is and which context it belongs to, and the content transmitted to Western audiences should not be too complex and verbose.

"Now Westerners don't understand what modern China looks like, and we lack this kind of reporting on the process of modernization." Cuihua believes that we should strengthen the story of the process of humanistic modernization, encourage young people to show what Chinese culture looks like in their eyes, let them make more short videos, and use their self-media to tell China's modernization and Chinese stories.

Cuihua said that Chinese culture "going out" is diverse and multi-level, and we must work together to complete cross-cultural communication.

First of all, improving cross-cultural knowledge literacy is not only for media professionals, but also for the public. "When you meet Westerners and foreign tourists, Chinese are already very hospitable, but for cross-cultural communication, should we do basic knowledge popularization?"

Secondly, "going out" should also "walk in", "going out" includes content going out, tourists going out, and foreign tourists also walking in. Cuihua believes that foreign tourists should be a point of great concern for us, they show their compatriots on social media that China is the most real, they promote China in their own way, and it is also a way that we can take advantage of.

Finally, enhance the humanistic sense of communication and strengthen the communication of lifestyle. Cuihua believes that there are too many subjects to shoot in China, and we do not lack themes, we just need to open our eyes. Chinese has always been in the context and cultural belt of China, and I feel that it is not new, but many things have not been seen by outsiders. "The Chinese way of life is very attractive to us, and we need to base ourselves on every bit of life."

"Finally, I would like to send you a word, Global Mindset, telling our China story with global thinking and methods." Emerald said. (End)