On the fifth of September this year, the trial began against Lundin Oil executives Ian Lundin, then Chairman of the Board, and Alex Schneiter, former CEO. Both are charged with aiding and abetting serious crimes under international law against civilians in Sudan between 1999 and 2003.

The trial will last two and a half years, until 2026, and in the meantime 57 witnesses will be heard, including former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (M).

Met victims of violence

In the book "Business in blood and oil", journalist Kerstin Lundell followed up the traces of the oil company's rampage in southern Sudan, with the help of testimonies and reports from human rights organizations.

"We have a responsibility for what our society does," she says.

Gold shovel award

The book, published in 2010, quickly became famous and was awarded the Golden Spade.

"For having with courage, stubbornness and openly reported commitment investigated a Swedish company's dubious oil deals in Africa with links to Sweden's foreign minister."

But it was when a reader sent the book to the Swedish Prosecution Authority and then on to specialist prosecutor Magnus Elving that the preliminary investigation finally started.

The trial is described as the largest in Sweden's history. What does this mean for you?

"Yes, but I did the right thing. I have had it confirmed that it was worth spending time on, says Kerstin Lundell.

Denies any wrongdoing

The two representatives of Lundin Oil (now Orrön Energy) deny any wrongdoing.

"Sudan has been plagued by internal conflicts for many, many years, but we have never had anything to do with this conflict. On the contrary, we have been a force for good in the area and the company has always adhered to the highest possible ethical standards, said Ian Lundin to SVT during the first day of the trial.