Discussions began on the ideal form of a pilot project to be held next fiscal year regarding the "Children's Attendance System," which allows children to be entrusted to daycare centers even if their parents are not working, and childcare providers and experts exchanged opinions on how to proceed with the project.

The "Child Anyone Can Go to Kindergarten System" is a new system that relaxes the requirements for using nursery schools and allows parents to leave their children on an hourly basis even if they are not working.

The government aims to submit a bill to establish the system at next year's ordinary session of the Diet, and plans to conduct a pilot project next fiscal year for full-scale implementation, and on the 21st, the first meeting of the study group was held to discuss the ideal form of the project, consisting of nursery school operators, early childhood education experts, and representatives of local governments.

At the beginning of the meeting, a representative from the Children and Family Agency explained the outline of the
system ▽ The target is 0 years 6 months to 2 years old, and in addition to establishing a mechanism for local governments to certify the target persons, ▽ Nursery schools, certified children's schools, kindergartens, regional child-rearing support bases,
etc. are envisioned as businesses.

He also explained that in order to ensure the provision system in local governments nationwide, the trial project for the next fiscal year will limit the usage time per person to "1 hours per month".

Regarding this, the participants expressed the opinion that the system should be created so that various people can take charge rather than limited to qualified people because there is a shortage of childcare workers, and that they would like to see the program be implemented at child development support centers used by children with disabilities.

The study group plans to hold multiple discussions and compile opinions by December.

In the field of childcare, labor shortages and increased workload are issues, and the Children and Family Agency is considering making the system available to all children.

Kato Children's Minister: "Promoting Efforts to Realize a 'Children's Manchu Society'"

Minister Kato, Minister of State for Children's Policy, gave a speech at the study meeting and stated, "Since there are many families raising children who are isolated and have anxiety and worries due to childcare, it has been necessary to strengthen support for all child-rearing families regardless of their employment requirements.