Resounding failure in the premiere of the debate of El Conquistador in La 1. The program, hosted by Raquel Sánchez Silva and Marc Calderó, marked a poor 4.7% of screen share and only brought together an average of 394,000 viewers.

Such a low audience figure was not remembered in the prime time of the public channel since the premiere of Let's get along well, last February, when the program led by Ana Morgade marked a 4.8% share and brought together 486,000 viewers on average. Those data caused the next day the public chain to cancel the program, which was recovered this summer with Lorena Castell.

The drop in audience of the debate of El Conquistador is a hard blow for the public chain after starting the new television season surpassing Telecinco and becoming the second most watched chain by Spaniards after Antena 3, which continues to be the leading television.

The truth is that El Conquistador, one of RTVE's big bets for this season after the incredible success of the format on Basque television, is not fitting in as expected in the audience. Since its premiere last Monday, the toughest survival reality show on television has not exceeded 11% average screen share. The unexpected thing was that the reality debate garnered such low audiences.

According to data from Barlovento, the debate barely conquered a 4.7% share of screen and 394,000 viewers, becoming the last option of the night behind all the chains.

The Floor, the contest of Antena 3 presented by Manel Fuentes, returned to be leader of the night by gathering a 12.4% share of screen and 1,006,000 viewers, With this he returned to overcome The musical of your life of Telecinco, which thanks to the visit of Lolita Flores managed to rise compared to its premiere last week with Ana Obregón by scoring 10.1% and 759,000 viewers.

The premiere of Dos bodas gipsy in Cuatro achieved 6.1% and 515,000 viewers, thus surpassing Desmontando, Boris Izaguirre's program in laSexta, which averaged a 4.7% share and 454,000 viewers and also surpassed the debate of El Conquistador.

This week, RTVE took a drastic decision in an attempt to improve the audiences of the reality: schedule the debate on Wednesdays to see if leaving a day of broadcast between the program and the debate raised the audiences. In view of the results, it was not a good idea.

The premiere of El Conquistador on September 11 obtained an 11.9% share with 1,048,000 viewers, the second program, which aired on Tuesday, September12, rose to 12.5% with 1,200,000 thanks to the drag of football, but in its third installment, this Monday, it has fallen to 10.2% with 834,000 faithful.

In fact, this Monday one of the hardest tests of the survival reality, the labyrinth, was broadcast, and neither with those El Conquistador managed to maintain the audience of the previous week, much less improve. The lack of success of the programme on RTVE is surprising, considering that in Basque television the audience ratings exceed 20% of the screen share in most broadcasts.

According to the reactions of viewers on social networks, there are several reasons why El Conquistador does not quite fit nationally. First, the large number of contestants, 33. Second, the frenetic pace of the program. Third, the complicated names of the teams. And, fourth, and the one that viewers point out the most, the constant fights and fights that acquire all the prominence in each program. Not only among the contestants but also among the presenters themselves, whose main function is to constantly scold them.

In fact, this Tuesday, Julian Iantzi, presenter of El Conquistador with Raquel Sánchez Silva, published on his social networks several reflections on the audiences of the reality. After recalling the audience that obtained the survival space on Monday, Iantzi assured that "we have to continue chopping stone", since they make the national leap "with great humility": "In the first edition of El conquis vasco we did not even reach the average of the chain. They bet on the product and it has become a social phenomenon. In the world of audiences, you don't have to come too high when things are going well, or fall apart when they go wrong," said the presenter.

The presenter said that, "when the audiences are neither good nor bad", what you have to do is "be calm and continue working". In addition, he warned that "we are hooking young people" and that "right now three chapters have been broadcast and there will be more."

Iantzi also responded to viewers' complaints. First, regarding the schedule: "Regarding the schedule, it is not our business. It is the chain that marks it. We are where we fit in. It had been announced at minus quarter and there was a small delay between one thing and another. It started at eleven and, yes, it ends very late. It's what there is, we can't do anything there, it's not our business."

And then, about the harsh scoldings that throw the contestants: "This is notThe Basque Conqueror. InEl Conquistador vasco, he was presenter, let's say, headline. 19 years giving zascas. People were used to it. On this occasion, I'm not alone, there's Raquel Sánchez Silva."

"The important thing is that the project goes ahead, that the chain bets on the format. It's new, it's complicated and you have to be patient. We have to adapt to what people want to see. It is what there is. Up! Long live El Conquis!", concluded the presenter.

  • RTVE