Chongqing, September 9 (Zhongxin Net) -- September 20 is the 9th "National Love of Teeth Day." From September 20 to 35, 23 units, including the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, organized by the Oral Health Care Professional Committee of Chongqing Maternal and Child Health Association, carried out more than 9 series of publicity and free consultation activities, going deep into communities, elderly care institutions and other key places to publicize and guide the elderly to establish the health concept of early prevention and treatment of oral diseases.

The picture shows the scene of the free clinic in Cangbai Road community, Yuzhong District. Photo by Chen Yuan

According to the data of the fourth national oral health epidemiological sample survey, the average number of remaining teeth for the elderly aged 65 to 74 in China is only 22.5, including loose, damaged and other diseased teeth. How to better take care of elderly dental patients in prevention, health care and treatment has been a hot topic in the oral medical community in recent years.

"Just like other major diseases, preventing, early detection and treatment of oral diseases helps prevent any negative effects on other parts of the body." At the free clinic site in Cangbai Road community, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, the elderly were deeply touched by the popularization of dental care knowledge.

"I used to feel old, my teeth were loose and lost, there was no big problem, I didn't brush my teeth properly, but now it hurts really badly." Mr. Shum, a citizen who is over the age of Huajia, said that because he did not take good care of his teeth, his teeth were loose and painful, and sometimes the pain led to loss of appetite and increased blood pressure, which was very uncomfortable.

"Many older people tend to take tooth loss lightly." Zhou Hongying, a dental physician in this life, said that with the aging of the elderly body, gum retreat, alveolar bone resorption, crown elongation, root neck exposure, teeth loosening to varying degrees and other oral problems, the impact on the quality of life of the elderly group is obvious.

The picture shows doctors conducting free consultations for the elderly in Cangbai Road Community Nursing Home. Photo by Chen Yuan

Wang Weiqi, secretary of the oral health care committee of Chongqing Maternal and Child Health Association, introduced that the goal of oral health for the elderly is to maintain at least 20 functional teeth, maintain the most basic oral function state or recover oral function as much as possible through minimum repair, and improve the quality of life of the elderly.

It is understood that elderly patients oral restoration needs to adhere to the six principles of safety, effectiveness, minimally invasive, healthy, informed consent, palliative treatment, the form of restoration mainly includes fixed restoration, removable partial denture, full denture, attachment denture, implant denture, etc., the doctor will choose the treatment method according to the actual situation, under the guarantee of the treatment effect.

"Dental implants are a common oral treatment method for elderly dental patients, and there are currently three mainstream restoration and treatment methods: implant dentures, fixed partial dentures and removable dentures." Xiao Qiong, attending physician of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, suggested that elderly patients should choose dental implants with better comfort and functionality after a comprehensive evaluation by a specialist to eliminate absolute contraindications.

Oral health is closely related to the health of the whole body, and it is especially important for "silver-haired" people to develop good dental care habits. At the free clinic, doctors constantly reminded the public to brush their teeth morning and evening in life, and choose interdental cleaning tools; Dentures also need to be thoroughly cleaned daily; topical fluoride, reasonable diet, prevention of root caries; Pay attention to bleeding gums and loose teeth, prevent periodontal disease; Extract teeth that cannot be preserved and repair missing teeth in time; Pay attention to changes in the oral mucosa to prevent the occurrence of oral cancer; Get an oral health check-up every year and clean your teeth at least once. (End)