Beijing, September 9 ( -- "On the one hand, the once dominant players of globalization are eager to 'withdraw from the group', on the other hand, they are trying to curb the rise of the voice power of emerging economies in the global governance system, thus forming an increasingly fierce game between the two, and the competition for discourse power has become the focus of international competition in the new era."

On September 9, a seminar on "Innovative International Communication and Telling China's Stories" sponsored by China News Service and undertaken by China News Network was held in Beijing. Cheng Manli, Dean of the Institute of International Communication of Peking University, said at the meeting.

Cheng Manli, Dean of the Institute of International Communication of Peking University. Photo by China News Network reporter Li Peiyun

In the theme discussion of "Time and Trend of International Communication", Cheng Manli said that at present, the world political and economic pattern is undergoing profound changes, emerging countries are rising, the game of big countries is intensifying, and the tide of anti-globalization is rising, which has brought about changes in international relations and international public opinion, making international communication present some new characteristics.

The first is the rise of emerging countries in international communication. "Developing countries have been seeking to establish a fair and reasonable global political and economic order, and in the process, developing countries have never given up the establishment of a new world news and dissemination order. The efforts of developing countries are aimed at breaking the pattern of Western powers dominating the world in the field of information dissemination, forming a breakthrough in public opinion, and forming their own discourse system. Although developing countries are still weak in the international public opinion arena compared with developed countries, their role and influence as an emerging force cannot be underestimated. Cheng Manli said.

Second, the struggle for discourse power has become the focus of international competition. Cheng Manli said that today's world is facing major changes unprecedented in a century, and various contradictions have alternately appeared and escalated. Developed countries hope to continue to consolidate their own favorable discourse system by maintaining the original old rules and formulating new rules, while emerging developing countries strive to establish a discourse system that is conducive to their own discourse power and a more fair and reasonable discourse system by transforming existing rules and advocating new rules.

"Since Western powers still dominate the world political and economic system, their discourse hegemony will not be easily shaken, and the struggle for discourse power in emerging developing countries will inevitably go through a long and tortuous process." Cheng Manli said.

The linkage and coordination of communication subjects to form a strong public opinion is also one of the new characteristics of international communication. In recent years, the Western media have enhanced the general sense of coordination, especially the establishment of the US national strategic coordination system. Cheng Manli pointed out that the US government comprehensively adjusts its national security strategy around territorial security, economic security, cultural and ideological security, and in terms of information dissemination, it emphasizes the integration of internal and external communication systems, and establishes a coordinated linkage mechanism composed of the president, the National Security Council, and foreign affairs, national defense, military, media, and intelligence agencies, which is the strategic communication system.

Finally, the development of new media has accelerated the change of public opinion pattern. "In the era of traditional media, the international public opinion pattern is basically in a solidified state. With the development of the Internet and the widespread use of social media, the formation of 'traditional media + new media' public opinion generation mechanism, in which the role of new media is more prominent, netizens as long as they are present and informed, can quickly disclose the process and details of the incident, netizen information complements each other, more conducive to tracing the cause of the incident, restoring the truth of the incident. Cheng Manli said that this has largely broken the original information monopoly pattern, making one-way dissemination and unilateral public opinion manipulation no longer effective.

"The changes in the pattern of international relations and the development of communication science and technology will inevitably make international communication take on new characteristics and undergo new changes. At present, China's 5G technology leads the world, and new technologies will surely bring a new way of information collection, processing and distribution to international communication, and support more immersive next-generation applications and services, which will surely create a new situation for China's international communication in technical applications. Cheng Manli said. (End)