• LOC Carles Porta, creator of 'Crimes': "There are prisoners who write to me to tell me details of their murders"
  • TV Carles Porta, the king of true crime: "Lynching was not invented by networks, in the Middle Ages people were stoned for simple rumors"

Carles Porta returns to Movistar Plus+ with a new true crime format that will premiere on Tuesday, October 31. After the success of El crimen de la Guardia Urbana y Crimees, Carles Porta begins a long-running series that evolves the genre with a clear premise: "it looks like a movie, but it's real". Light in the Dark will start with two new criminal cases: Daniela, Dulce y Bella and El niño pintor, each told in two episodes with the usual rigor and narrative style of Carles Porta.

Luz en la oscuridad, an original Movistar Plus+ format in collaboration with True Crime Factory and Goroka, is another step in the genre that combines the experience of Carles Porta and his respect for the victims and those involved in the cases with an elegant and subtle narration and a very careful filming and editing. The title of the series is the narrative and formal concept that directs the chapters: to shed light on the dark parts of our society with the story of crimes that have happened in recent years in Spain.

The writer, journalist and producer Carles Porta acts as presenter and narrator of Light in the Dark. The series has the participation of the real protagonists of the cases, victims, investigators, lawyers, journalists and others directly involved in each of the stories. The locations where Light in the Darkness has been filmed are also the places where the events occurred.

The cases

Daniela, Dulce and Bella. In the summer of 2019, three men believe they have flirted online. A girl has promised them a great night if they come looking for her in a lost village in the Ribera Alta del Ebro. But Daniela, Dulce and Bella are not who they say they are.

The promise of sex and fun will turn into kidnapping, extortion and robbery with violence, that, at best. Josetxu, a Basque computer scientist who made almost three hundred kilometers to get to his appointment in Zaragoza, has been missing for several days without being heard from him. The Civil Guard and the Ertzaintza must coordinate to find him. And every minute counts...

The boy painter. On April 6, 1987, in Malaga, David Guerrero leaves his house and disappears. At 13, he is a child prodigy of painting. That day a journalist awaits him in the gallery where he had exhibited a painting for the first time. But David doesn't show up.

How can it be that a child leaves his house and disappears without anyone seeing anything? Almost 40 years later, this question still has no answer. The police are keeping the investigation open and David's family continues to hope that, one day, their son will return home.

Carles Porta, creator and researcher

Carles Porta is one of the most relevant representatives of non-fiction journalism in our country. Recognized with a special mention of the Ortega y Gasset prize for journalism, he has developed a long career as a journalist, writer, television reporter, war correspondent, audiovisual producer, screenwriter and film director.

He has published successful books that are rigorously immersed in the national black chronicle, such as Tor, la montaña maldita, in which he shredded a crime in the Pyrenees of Lleida; Fago, about the murder of the mayor of the Aragonese town of the same name or La farmacéutica, about the kidnapping of the pharmacist of Olot, Maria Àngels Feliu.

His successful radio career has made him a recognizable and already essential voice in the true crime genre thanks, among others, to his podcast Por qué matamos. The journalist chose in Crimes (on radio and television) to become the interlocutor of the audience and is placed in his radio studio, a space of intimacy in which he presents and exposes the details of each case. In Light in the Darkness it is Porta, the writer, who addresses the audience.