Solène Delinger // Photo credits: Sipa 16:07 p.m., September 21, 2023

Three former companions of Stéphane Plaza assure, in the columns of "Mediapart", to have been victims of humiliation as well as verbal or physical violence of the host of M6. The latter denies these accusations, described by his lawyer as "fanciful".

Stéphane Plaza in turmoil... The star of the PAF is accused by three former companions of verbal, psychological and physical violence. These three women testified in an investigation published in Mediapart on Thursday, September 21, 2023.

"Now you're really going to suffer"

One of them, in her thirties, claims to have been a victim of violence by the facilitator several times. According to a written testimony, entrusted to a judicial officer in May 2022, Stéphane Plaza would have injured this young woman in the hand on April 25, 2022, when she had just revealed their affair to another woman. Stéphane Plaza, angry, would have "seized his hand at the level of the fingers and turned them with violence".

The young woman had a fracture with bone tearing and two dislocations following this argument. According to the account of the latter, transmitted to a judicial officer, the host of M6 would then have threatened her: "Now, you will really suffer, I hope you are ready for the future". Our colleagues at Médiapart ensure that Stéphane Plaza himself acknowledged this violence in authenticated exchanges with the alleged victim. Before this altercation, the PAF star would also have given her "a punch in the shoulder, throwing her to the ground".

A bite to the thigh

Another former companion of Stéphane Plaza has, meanwhile, filed a handrail against the host after suffering violence and threats. She accuses him of having "bitten her very the thigh" and having threatened her with death if she ever dated another man. This woman would also have suffered "humiliation" and "moral harassment". Finally, a third "ex-girlfriend" of Stéphane Plaza confides to have been threatened by the host when she discovered, during a romantic weekend in Vienna in September 2021, that the host was seeing other women. She says that Stéphane Plaza "raised his fork in her direction and began to threaten her".

Stéphane Plaza did not wish to speak to Mediapart about all these cases. His lawyer denounces "totally extrapolated, even false allegations" and "fanciful accusations". According to her, these three women "finally turned away ganged up against him to harm him by all means".