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Recently, a "fishing drill" was quietly carried out in a university in Hubei. Hubei Anti-fraud Center, Central China Normal University, and Changjiang Cloud News Client sent 3,4 customized "phishing" text messages to students of Central China Normal University.

But the results of the exercise came as a surprise. On September 9, data after the action closed the net, nearly 17% of the students clicked on the "phishing link", and 10 of them finally "took the bait" and filled in and submitted detailed personal information. In other words, they have become a super-high-risk group that has been deceived, and may be only one step away from being deceived.

These "recruited" students not only filled in their names, QQ numbers, ID numbers, but also submitted detailed personal information such as college, grade, dietary preferences, and hobbies. When they said why they believed the links, some said they saw the name of the school on the page and thought it was credible; Some think that they didn't make money anyway, so it doesn't hurt to fill it out. But just so inadvertently, they have actually fallen into the trap step by step.

321 college students "took the bait", once again showing that there is no "high education fluke" in anti-fraud. Don't simply think that having a certain degree of education and discernment is enough to be immune to scams. College students, in particular, even if they have excellent learning and logic skills, are easily hunted by scammers due to their lack of social experience.

You know, fraudsters have long "customized" matching scams for people from all walks of life, and they will take advantage of the needs and even weaknesses of highly educated people to improve the "success rate" of scams for this specific group.

Not long ago, there were media reports that a postdoctoral fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was deceived to Myanmar, and the plot of the movie "All or Nothing" was almost exactly the same, and a Kochi talent was deceived, which attracted a lot of attention. According to him, the scam company's "processes and procedures seem formal," and "scammers are constantly learning new things every day, including those that are promoted in China, and they will read and improve on them." This shows the cunning of the fraudsters. Their methods are also constantly innovating.

These incidents have also sounded the alarm for all people who think they will not be deceived, and there is no room for slackening in anti-fraud, and age and education are not absolute security guarantees. As shown in the 2022 Telecom Network Fraud Governance Research Report, the main victims of telecom fraud are middle-aged and young people under the age of 40. People must have a clear understanding of this, be vigilant, and be careful of the traps around them. I believe that these 321 college students have also learned a valuable lesson from the university.

What is more thought-provoking is that fraud not only squeezes out the victim's money, but also erodes the trust of society and greatly raises the operating costs of society. A closer look at the "fishing drill" of Central China Normal University shows that these text messages are actually just promotional information closely related to college students, such as food festivals and phone discounts, which are part of students' normal lives.

It is conceivable that after this "fishing drill", the students are estimated to never believe this information again. In the long run, the normal market environment will also be destroyed, it will be difficult for businesses to be trusted, people will be cautious everywhere, and may even give birth to a society where everyone is fortified. And believe that living in such a space, no one is comfortable and relaxed.

From this point of view, although ordinary people should be vigilant, the solution to the root cause is to strengthen the whole chain of crackdown on fraud. Efforts should be made to arrest fraudsters across the border and deal with emergencies in the financial system. Some key links at the level of details should also be noted, such as for various phishing text messages, we should strengthen cooperation with operators, explore relevant clues, and cut off the fraud chain in time.

In short, anti-fraud certainly requires people to be vigilant, especially young and highly educated groups who think they are safe, they should put aside their excessive "self-confidence", seriously examine the tricks of fraud, and understand their cognitive shortcomings. But at the same time, the society should also understand that individual prevention is ultimately a "passive defense", only a stopgap measure, and a highly vigilant society is not friendly, we should still strengthen the crackdown on fraud, and create a living space with mutual trust and security.

(Yangcheng Evening News The author is a well-known media commentator)