Beijing, September 9 (Reporter Jia Tianyong) On the evening of the 21th, as an important content of the 20 Dongcheng Cultural Month, a unique Mid-Autumn Festival moon viewing slow live broadcast event was held at the Beijing Ancient Observatory.

Co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Dongcheng District Committee of the CPC Beijing and the Wuzhou Communication Center, the event invited Li Ge, Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Literature and Literature and Chairman of the China Photographers Association, Shan Jixiang, President of the Beijing Dongcheng Cultural Development Research Institute, President of the Chinese Cultural Heritage Society, and Director of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum, and Qi Rui, Deputy Director of the Beijing Planetarium, to conduct a starry sky dialogue that integrates traditional culture, video recording and astronomical science popularization, and jointly explore the wonderful combination of traditional aesthetics and modern art of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

As the imperial observatory of the Ming and Qing dynasties in China, Beijing Ancient Observatory is famous for its complete architecture, exquisite instruments and long history, and is also one of the best places for moon watching and stargazing in Dongcheng District. In front of the astronomical heavy instrument that has been baptized by the years, the guests sent Mid-Autumn Festival wishes to netizens across the country, deeply discussed the value and significance of traditional culture from different angles, and presented an interesting, informative and in-depth immersive content experience.

Li Ge, vice chairman of the China Federation of Literature and Literature and chairman of the China Photographers Association, participated in the slow live broadcast. Photo by reporter Jia Tianyong

During the live broadcast event, Li Ge talked about the history and cultural connotation of some "treasures stargazing places" in China, taking everyone to appreciate the humanistic feelings between different regions, and the images were full of cultural confidence expressions, attracting the audience to dive into them and savor them carefully. Li Ge said: "In the era of mobile Internet, in addition to traditional recording and dissemination, professional photographers can also make new explorations in the artistic expression of photography. As a worldwide art, photography should combine artistic creativity with Chinese cultural values, continuously improve the spiritual energy, cultural connotation and artistic value of image language, tell Chinese stories well, and display Chinese images. ”

Shan Jixiang, president of the Chinese Society of Cultural Relics and director of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum, participated in the slow live broadcast. Photo by reporter Jia Tianyong

Shan Jixiang shared in the live broadcast: "As an important carrier of Chinese traditional culture, traditional festivals are a symbol of Chinese national identity and a link connecting national emotions. The recognition and continuation of excellent traditional culture is becoming the consensus of this era, and it is necessary to let the excellent traditional Chinese culture enter the hearts of the audience, especially the young group, in a way that everyone likes to hear and accept. ”

Three guests talk during the slow live event. Photo by reporter Jia Tianyong

Civilizations are enriched by exchanges, and civilizations are enriched by mutual learning. The 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum was successfully concluded, with more than 600 Chinese and foreign guests gathering to appreciate the beauty of Chinese culture, fully demonstrating the profound cultural heritage of Beijing, an ancient capital, and the vitality of a modern international metropolis. Taking the forum as an opportunity, a series of activities such as the "Image China" screening and the Cultural Dongcheng Benefiting People Tour will continue to land. (End)