• Body 'Biohacking': how you can 'hack' your body to live longer and better
  • Body What is the Wim Hof Method: the chilling experience that celebrities like David Beckham continue and that already has his disciples in Spain

It is not the first time that Chris Hemsworth shares on Instagram his 'passion' for ice baths, but this time the Australian actor has detailed how he combines them with the sauna: "There is no better way to end a workout. Combining the sauna with an ice bath is an effective way to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, speed up muscle recovery and elevate your mood. The heat of the sauna causes the blood vessels to dilate, which improves blood flow and reduces inflammation. The cold of the ice bath causes blood vessels to constrict, which improves circulation and reduces muscle pain. This contrast between hot and cold temperatures helps improve overall recovery and reduce the risk of injury."

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Created by the Dutch extreme athlete Wim Hof, known as 'Iceman', the method that bears his name is based on a special technique of breathing and training at low temperatures that aims -among many others- to strengthen the body and mind.

Sara Álvarez, co-founder and creator of the RETO48 method, adds other benefits: "It strengthens the immune system, increases sports performance, reduces inflammation, increases energy, attention and focus, improves the quality of sleep and concentration, reduces stress or favors greater tissue regeneration and an interesting activation of brown adipose tissue."

Much more than a passing fad (it should be remembered that immersing yourself in ice water is a 'recovery' used for a long time by athletes, both professional and popular, of different disciplines), Álvarez is convinced that the Wim Hof method has a long way to go. "People are beginning to understand that the lifestyle we lead doesn't lead to success. The excess of comfort in which today's society lives weakens us. Therefore, it is vitally important to confront the body and mind with 'controlled adverse stimuli' so that, with it, they react and strengthen. As it is always said in the workshops that are taught in RETO48, even if you do not think you can do it, trust in the capabilities of your body and your mind. They know perfectly well what they have to do and the potential we have is infinitely greater than we think," says Álvarez.

He adds, "The cold, in this case, is like a teacher. It teaches you many things about yourself, and when you start reading and experiencing all the benefits it brings you, it becomes your best ally to conquer not only health, but also certain limits that we set ourselves.

Of course, beware, because this experience is not suitable 'for all audiences': "It is not indicated for patients with serious cardiovascular problems, pregnant women or people with epilepsy. It is always advisable to consult the doctor beforehand and, of course, do it with the help of a certified instructor who can guide you, "recommends Sara Álvarez.

How is the Wim Hof method practiced? These are its keys:


His breathing technique, inspired by the meditation practice of Tibetan monks, is scientifically recognized and is a controlled hyperventilation. As Sara Álvarez explains, "through these breaths the heart rate and blood pressure increases, blood vessels contract, body temperature increases and improves the oxygen transport capacity in the lungs. On the other hand, the blood is enriched with more oxygen in less time, while carbon dioxide is removed. As a result, an alkaline environment is produced in the blood and the acidification of the body is reduced among many other benefits."

For how long? Until it can be done without difficulty. "The ideal is to practice it lying down, in a safe environment, on an empty stomach and of course leave the mind blank and try to meditate," adds Álvarez.


Once the issue of breathing is controlled, you can start with cold dives, gradually. At first, recommends Sara Álvarez, "just finish our normal shower with 20-30 seconds of cold water, until we get to take the shower complete with cold water from the beginning. Here it is important to understand that more is not better. If, for example, we do a dive in a bathtub, two minutes would be more than enough to get all the benefits we talked about before."

During the bath, "you have to continue with other types of breaths – what we are looking for now is to focus on a nasal breath, slow and with long and deep inhalations and exhalations – and focus on the signals that come from the body. Our recommendation is always to learn it from the hand of a certified Instructor. And if you start, ideally you should commit to doing it for 30 days. After that time, you can draw personal conclusions and decide if you want to continue as usual or if, instead, you want to change and generate a positive impact on your health in your life. "

To conclude, Álvarez emphasizes that "the potential of this method lies in the combination of the three essential pillars: mentality, commitment and constant practice. All of them, together, will make you recover your inner balance and, as Wim Hof says, conquer 'strength, health and well-being'".