With the elimination of the requirement to accredit a Catalan degree to practice health in the Balearic Islands, the new Government of the popular Marga Prohens puts an end to a linguistic imposition that in recent years has led to a serious deterioration of public health: the difficulty to cover hospital places in the community is enormous, And the one who is suffering is the citizen.

In his nationalist drift, the previous executive of the socialist Francina Armengol, who dedicated a lot

s political efforts and public resources to the cultural, historical and legal fiction of the Catalan Countries, put the knowledge of Catalan before the professional and academic preparation of aspiring doctors and nurses, both in the entrance exams and in relation to transfers and internal promotion. Thousands of Balearic Islands then took to the streets with the slogan

Languages don't save lives

to denounce that socialism had put the obsession with identity above the quality of health and citizen need. Finally, even Armengol was forced to put her law on hold for a while because the effect has been a deficit of professionals that is suffered especially in certain rural areas. It is no coincidence, in short, that Armengol was the candidate to preside over the Congress that

Carles Puigdemont

He demanded

Pedro Sanchez

to give you your support.

The measure, agreed between the PP and Vox – which supports Prohens as an external partner – has to be celebrated. However, it is only a first step to take in a community where socialism and nationalism have used Catalan as a way of social segregation, in imitation of what happened with the tax laws of the secessionists in Catalonia and the Basque Country. The PP of the Balearic Islands is a party that historically identifies with the ambiguous idea of "cordial bilingualism" put in value by

Alberto Núñez Feijóo

, a concept that only makes sense to the voter


if it implies ending the marginalization of Spanish and its defense as the vehicular language of the entire State.

With the new governments of the PP and Vox, the Balearic Islands and also the Valencian Community have an opportunity to

Reversing language immersion

-which is not a value of pluralism but a barrier- promoted by the PSOE and the nationalists. The pacts include commitments such as the suppression of Valencian and Catalan to become civil servants, a demand that impoverishes society and discriminates. The great struggle for rights for the citizen occurs in education, where it is urgent to recover the reasonable coexistence between the two co-official languages of both regions after eight years of marginalization of Castilian, whose vehicularirad must recover the PP.

The Spanish language is the backbone of a civic idea of Spain

. It is not a question of imposing a monolingual model, but of putting an end to the anomaly of nationalist exclusion. Rights belong to the inhabitants and not to languages.


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