On November 2022, 11, the Guangdong Coast Guard arrested 21 suspects. Photo courtesy of Guangdong Coast Guard

Guangzhou, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- According to news from the Guangdong Coast Guard Bureau on 29 August, the bureau recently destroyed a professional smuggling criminal gang that was running around in many cities in eastern Guangdong in its entirety, arrested the behind-the-scenes organizers of many links such as sea transportation, shore connection, land transshipment, and remote control command, and verified the many crimes of smuggling cigarettes and frozen products carried out by the gang inside and outside the province.

According to the circular, on November 2022, 11, the bureau received reports from the public and assigned the Guangdong Shantou Coast Guard Bureau to cooperate with the local public security, customs, and tobacco departments in Shantou to seize a case of smuggling cigarettes in Nan'ao County, Shantou City, and the sea and land jointly arrested 21 people involved in the case, seized 30 vehicles, 14 modified ship, and more than 1,93000 cigarettes involved in the case, with a total case value of about 2700 million yuan. After investigation, none of the cigarettes had legal documentation.

In order to further dig deeper and expand the line, the Guangdong Shantou Coast Guard Bureau dispatched crack forces to set up the "11.21" special case group, and after in-depth management, it was found that the criminal suspects in this case had a clear division of labor, a tight organizational structure, strong mobility, and a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance, and the gangs behind it showed a high degree of professionalism, chain, and pattern, and were extremely harmful to society.

On November 2022, 11, the Guangdong Coast Guard seized more than 21,93000 cigarettes involved in the case. Photo courtesy of Guangdong Coast Guard

To this end, the Guangdong Coast Guard insisted on investigating and collecting evidence from the gang with the evidence collection standard of "zero confession" transfer, and successfully verified the criminal facts in many links such as sea transportation, shore connection, land transshipment and remote control command through a lot of work.

As of late July 2023, the bureau continued to expand its lines to arrest a total of 7 behind-the-scenes organizers in each link, and verified a number of cases of smuggling frozen products and cigarettes carried out by the gang in three provinces and five places, and the items involved were newly suspected of smuggling more than 17,44000 cigarettes and more than 280 tons of frozen products, with a cumulative total case value of more than 5500 million yuan. At this point, a professional smuggling criminal gang that circulated in eastern Guangdong and radiated to many provinces was destroyed.

At present, the case is being transferred in batches. (End)