The Official College of Librarians and Documentalists of Catalonia (COBDC) "reserves the right" to take disciplinary action against one of its members, and director of the scientific journal 'Professional of information', Tomàs Baiget (79 years old), after "allegedly creating and maintaining a sexist website with humiliating content".

Given the great impact that the 'Rubiales case' is having, another documentalist has made public through the social network X that about fifteen years ago there was a website that "uploaded photos of the asses of the librarians and documentalists that the author knew in different congresses".

After the existence of this website came to light, which he created in 2007 with the name of in 2007 and became in 2009, Baiget has issued a statement apologizing to him.

"It is not true, as I have read on social networks, that I went to congresses to take non-consensual photos of women to publish them on that website. I find this appalling and absolutely reprehensible. There was never a photo of anyone in the profession on that website, apart from my friends," she says.

"In these 15 years, society has changed a lot, and what may have seemed funny then is now unacceptable and reprehensible, I admit. I regret what I did and apologize to all the people who have been offended by my words."

The COBDC has echoed these "serious facts" and after "collecting preliminary information from the web, contact with the complainant, as well as the admission of the facts by the author of this page on platform X, the board expresses jointly and consensually its resounding discomfort and concern. "

"We consider these facts absolutely inadmissible since they are a clear case of sexual abuse, due to the non-consent of the victims," they said in the statement, in which they also show their support for the victims and recognize their courage in reporting the facts.

At the same time, they emphasize that the alleged "confessed author in his own profile of the X platform, does not apologize to the victim / victims and does not publicly retract, but on the contrary, worsens the situation by minimizing the facts."

After assessing in an "extraordinarily negative" way this "first attitude of the collegiate Tomàs Baiget", the board believes that the facts "incur in the violation of articles 2 and 18 of the Code of Ethics of the COBDC, which is the tool with which our institution is equipped to exercise the sanctioning regime established in its statutes ".

Waiting now "for more information from the parties, the board will follow up on the matter and reserves the right to take sanctioning action if the case continues to worsen due to new complaints from both members and non-members."

On the other hand, the COBDC stresses that "it will not tolerate any discriminatory attitude, in particular, of a macho nature"

  • Sexual assault