The picture shows the cultural benefit performance scene of Panjiaguanzhuang Village, Tangcun Town, Zoucheng City. Photo by Liang Xianwei

Jinan, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- "For my mother, I cut the weaving cloth. Now, you look at this cloth machine, chaos, thousands of strands, can you catch it? On the New Era Civilization Practice Square in Panjiaguanzhuang Village, Tangcun Town, Zoucheng City, Jining, Shandong, 29-year-old Meng Fanying is watching with relish the opera "Broken Machine Godson" based on the allusions of Meng's mother's godson.

In the past, Meng Fanying had to rush to the town, and there was only one big show in a few months, but now it can be watched for free at the doorstep. Talking about the changes in local cultural performances in recent years, Meng Fanying is very happy. "Now that life is good, I don't worry about food and clothing, I love to watch big dramas, and the government has sent performances to my doorstep, and the performance is still the historical allusions of Zoucheng, which is too thoughtful."

The picture shows the Zou City Mobile Museum entering the community activities. Photo by Meng Fanbai

According to Xu Yan, a cast member of the Zoucheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Center, in order to better meet the viewing needs of the local people, the center has deeply studied the connotations of local Confucian culture, Zoulu culture and other excellent traditional cultures, carefully arranged the repertoire, and displayed them through various forms such as intangible cultural heritage performances, fine operas, and Zoulu Lile. It also cleverly integrates the concepts of civilized city creation, anti-drug and gambling, and loyalty and filial piety into the program.

Since the beginning of this year, 908 performances of "Mencius Rural Music" in Zoucheng have been completed, covering 614 administrative villages in the city, with a coverage rate of 100%, a total of 100 "small courtyards for culture and life" have been built, and the administrative villages of Mencius Academy have been fully covered, 614 rural book houses have been built, and more than 2800,<> reading activities have been carried out.

(Data map) The volunteer service team of "Literary Light Cavalry" in Wudian Town, Peony District, Heze City, is performing. Photo by Gao Yuhua

In the 2023 "Square <>-Day Cultural Series Activities" cultural performance recently launched by Dezhou Plain, the Pingyuan County Culture and Art Center Pavilion and the outstanding folk art team performed on the same stage, combining professional literary groups and folk art groups in form and method, attracting many people to actively participate.

It is understood that the "Square 2023-Day Cultural Series Activities" in Pingyuan County in <> provides a stage for the people to discover themselves, enrich themselves and show themselves, and become an effective carrier for implementing culture to benefit the people and promote the prosperity and development of people's culture, and meet people's spiritual and cultural needs.

Zhang Wei, director of the art department of Pingyuan County Culture and Art Center, said that the county focuses on benefiting the people through culture, vigorously promotes square culture, fully stimulates people's enthusiasm for participating in cultural activities, creates more distinctive cultural activity brands, publicizes and promotes local cultural tourism resources, and promotes the high-quality development of Pingyuan's cultural tourism economy.

Zaozhuang High-tech Zone sent a play to the countryside to benefit the people performance site. Photo courtesy of Zaozhuang High-tech Zone

With the opening of the song and dance performance of "Shengshi Huansong", the Zaozhuang High-tech Zone cultural benefit people sent to the countryside performance activity slowly kicked off, and performances such as magic, liuqin opera, Yuyuan oratorio and Suona solo were staged in turn. The wonderful performance attracted many residents to watch, and residents took out their mobile phones to record the wonderful performance moments.

In recent years, Zaozhuang High-tech Zone has adhered to the principle of serving the grassroots, rural areas and the people, and has continued to carry out the "sending opera to the countryside" performance activities to benefit the people with the goal of "one play per village per year", providing rich cultural nourishment and spiritual power for the people in the jurisdiction. At the same time, the district has also continuously increased the construction of grassroots public cultural and sports service systems, continued to improve grassroots public cultural service facilities, flourished cultural and sports activities, and participated in an unprecedentedly high atmosphere.

At the foot of Phoenix Mountain in Geshi Town, Ningyang County, the immersive historical sitcom "Township Drinking Ceremony" is performing for the first time. Photo courtesy of Ningyang Propaganda Department

"Holding a village drink, not for food. Wherever I grow up and young, I exhort each other. Loyalty to the subjects, filial piety for the sons, orderly growth and childhood, brotherhood and brotherhood, harmony within the clan, outside and in the township..." Recently, at the foot of Phoenix Mountain in Geshi Town, Ningyang County, Tai'an, the immersive historical sitcom "Township Drinking Ceremony" is performing its first performance. With the dynamic stage scene, heavy and powerful narration, and elegant and long soundtrack, the public seems to have traveled back in time to the Spring and Autumn period more than 2,000 years ago, immersed in the unique charm of the township drinking ceremony.

"Ningyang County has sorted out and excavated traditional cultural stories originating from local areas, designed them with modern art, and arranged 'small dramas' such as "Township Drinking Ceremony" and "Luyi Gu Shezi Saves Nephew"." Liu Fulai, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the Ningyang County Party Committee, introduced that traditional cultural dramas provide villagers with fresh audio-visual experience, story emotional experience and spiritual experience of mainstream value recognition, and gather strong spiritual power for rural civilization in the spring breeze and moisturizing things.

In the Cultural Square of Lilou Village, Wudian Town, Mudan District, Heze City, Li Shoufa, a non-genetic inheritor of Shandong Qinshu and a villager, and members of the "Literary and Art Light Cavalry" began literary and artistic propaganda again. They compiled the policy of benefiting farmers, changes in their hometowns, new styles of civilization and other surrounding events into sketches, and moved them to cultural squares, street parks and other voluntary performances, which were deeply loved by the people. At present, Wudian Town has 51 volunteer service teams and 689 volunteers of the "Light Cavalry", which carry out various forms of theatrical performances all year round.

The volunteer service team of "Literary Light Cavalry" in Wudian Town, Peony District, Heze City, is performing. Photo by Gao Yuhua

In recent years, based on the spiritual and cultural needs of villagers, Heze Peony District has deepened the integration of urban and rural public cultural service systems, taking the new era civilization practice sites, cultural squares, rural theaters, street parks, village history museums, etc. as cultural support positions, regularly carrying out red education, inheriting festival culture, square dance competitions, cultural performances, intangible cultural heritage classes and other colorful activities, enriching the supply of cultural products, promoting cultural construction in a way that the people like to see, so that civilized rural customs can infiltrate the beautiful countryside and concentrate on rural revitalization.

In the view of Gao Sheng, director of Zoucheng City Culture and Tourism Bureau, although the stage of cultural benefiting the people performance is small, it reflects all aspects of rural life, is a true portrayal of rural life, and can also vigorously promote the new style of civilization, advocate the concept and lifestyle of modern civilization, which has played a positive role in promoting the creation of a civilized, healthy, joyful and harmonious rural cultural atmosphere, and also injected strong impetus into the revitalization of rural culture. (End)