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Rammstein singer Till Lindemann: no sufficient suspicion

Photo: Christoph Soeder / dpa

The public prosecutor's office in Berlin has closed its investigations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann, among other things, on suspicion of committing sexual offenses and violations of the Narcotics Act. The evaluation of the evidence did not result in sufficient suspicion, the authority said on Tuesday. There were no indications that Lindemann had carried out sexual acts on women against their will.

There is also no evidence for the accusation that he gave them "will-cutting substances" or exploited a power imbalance with underage sexual partners. The investigation was launched in June by third-party complaints related to press coverage.

Allegations could not be substantiated

Alleged victims, according to the authority, have not yet turned to the law enforcement authorities. The statements of the witness Kyla Shyx, who had initially made allegations via YouTube, had remained too "vague" in the interrogations.

In the case of the alleged victim Shelby Lynn, the Lithuanian authorities are said to have refused to initiate an investigation. The public prosecutor's office in Berlin has documents from the Lithuanian authorities, according to a spokesman. These were evaluated. Here, too, there were no concrete factual indications of sexual offences by the accused.

According to the public prosecutor's office, the accusation of sexual abuse of adolescents about a young woman who allegedly entered into a sexual relationship with Lindemann as a 15-year-old could not be substantiated either, as the witness remained anonymous and could not be questioned.

A complaint had been filed against the »casting director« for allegedly bringing young women to the backstage area at concerts. Here, too, according to the public prosecutor's office, there were no indications of criminally relevant conduct. The proceedings against them were therefore terminated in the same way.