China News Network, August 8 -- Recently, it was reported on the Internet that an athlete from Chongde School in Quxian County, Dazhou City, Sichuan, was beaten and scolded by a coach, which attracted attention. In this regard, the Sichuan Quxian Education Bureau issued a notice on the 29th through the official Weibo of "Quxian Release", saying that in response to the behavior of the coach of Quxian Chongde School beating and scolding students, after preliminary verification, the situation is now reported as follows:

In the online video, the person involved was a coach selected by Chongde School in Ququ County to participate in a boxing tournament in a different place and Li Mou, a 64kg men's group A boxer, and the swearing occurred on the night of the end of the match. After investigation, the coach of the school led the team to arrive at the competition venue on August 8 and completed the competition subjects on the 15st. At about 21 a.m. on the 22nd, the coach found that Li had gone out privately, and he returned to the team at the urging of the coach, and the coach involved scolded him for violating management regulations. On the afternoon of the 1nd, Li returned home with the participating team. On the 22th, after receiving the feedback, the Quxian Education Bureau immediately initiated the investigation procedure, and at the same time went to the hospital with the school to visit Li and understand the situation. The coach apologized to Li and his father.

At present, Li has gone home to recuperate after examination and treatment, and the coach involved has been administratively detained by the public security organ of the event area, and the next step will be for the public security organ to seriously investigate the legal responsibility of the coach involved in accordance with laws and regulations according to the results of the injury evaluation.

The Quxian Education Bureau has formed a joint investigation team with public security and other units to carry out the investigation, and will investigate the responsibility of the school and relevant personnel in accordance with laws and regulations based on the results of the investigation. At the same time, further strengthen the education management of schools and coaches to avoid similar situations from happening again.

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