Previously, several exhibitions as well as shops, restaurants and auditoriums have been closed, which Magasin K has written about.

The museum's renovation needs are urgent, according to Director General Lisa Månsson, who emphasizes that Natural History needs an extra SEK 27 million in government appropriations for next year to cope with a sharp rent increase and costs linked to various renovations.

The building's maintenance is not covered by the current appropriation, according to Månsson. This year, Natural History will receive SEK 203 million in government funding, of which almost a third will be used for rent to the National Property Board. The renovations in turn increase the rent for the property.

"So in addition to all the costly renovations, we also lose on the revenue side," says Lisa Månsson.

On its website, the Swedish Museum of Natural History writes that it does not know how long the closure will last.

"But we are actively working towards a solution and will return with updated information as soon as possible."