Huangshi, August 8 (Zhongxin Net) (Xiong Jingyi) "Son, you have finally returned, I have been looking forward to you for 29 years..." On the 34th, in Chashan Village, Pugang Town, Huangmei County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, when villager Grandma Song saw her son who had been separated for 28 years, she hugged her son into her arms and couldn't help crying.

Wu Yizhong hugged his mother and sister tightly. Photo by Xiao Yaojie

In July this year, a man walked into the Hekou Police Station of the Xisaishan Branch of the Huangshi Public Security Bureau and asked the police to help him find his biological parents.

The man knew from an early age that he was being raised, but every time asked, the adoptive parents would say "he was abandoned by his family", so he never had the idea of looking for his relatives. Until 2022, his adoptive father died of illness, and he learned from his adoptive mother that he was picked up and given to his adoptive parents after he was lost, and he wanted to find his relatives.

The police collected blood samples for the man and sent them for DNA comparison, and the results showed that the man's DNA typing was compared with the blood sample of Grandma Song in Huangmei County, Huanggang City. The police contacted Mother-in-law Song and learned that Mother-in-law Song had an eldest son named Wu Yizhong, born in 1984, who was lost when he was 5 years old, and his family has been looking for it, but there has been no clue so far.

Menstrual blood sample comparison, the man is Wu Yizhong.

The police took a group photo with Wu Yizhong's family. Photo by Xiao Yaojie

It turned out that in 1989, Mother-in-law Song took care of her three children in her hometown of Huangmei County, Huanggang City, and her husband worked in a repair factory in Huangshi City. Later, Wu Yizhong was brought to her husband's care. At noon one day, Wu's father made an appointment to go to a friend's house for lunch, so he left Wu Yizhong in the repair shop and told his son not to run around. When Father Wu returned to the repair shop after eating, Wu Yizhong disappeared.

Father Wu was crazy and searched everywhere, but in that era when communication was not developed, he could not find his son.

After years of intermittent searching, in 2012, Grandma Song and her husband went to the Xisaishan branch of the Huangshi Public Security Bureau for help and collected blood samples. It was not until July this year that Wu Yizhong finally was able to compare blood samples after collecting blood samples.

The mother held Wu Yizhong's hand tightly. Photo by Xiao Yaojie

On August 8, the family invited the gong and drum team to prepare a grand recognition ceremony to welcome Wu Yizhong home. "When I saw my relatives, I was very excited, and I wanted to accompany my mother at home for the time being." Wu Yizhong said that he thanked the police for their help and reunited him with his relatives who had been separated for 28 years. (End)