This summer's vacation coincides with the implementation of the "double reduction" policy for two years, and the supervision of discipline-based training has become more and more strictly regulated, and more and more parents have turned their attention to quality training such as art and sports, and used the relatively free time in the summer to cultivate children's interests and hobbies. This summer, all kinds of examinations and competitions are still hot, some parents have signed up for vocal music, dance, art, recitation and other intensive training and examinations for their children, and some parents take their children to participate in different types of competitions such as sports and aerospace, hoping to practice with competitions, while improving their children's abilities, they can also broaden their horizons.

【Summer Bill】

Ice hockey matches: 1000,11 RMB× <> games

Food, accommodation and travel: 3,<> yuan

Total amount: about 4,<> yuan

Billing Story 1

Ice hockey becomes summer "main mission"

On July 7, Xiao Ge, a 21-year-old junior high school student from Beijing, flew from Beijing to Harbin accompanied by his parents, accompanied by more than a dozen hockey teenagers from the same team, their parents and coaches. Their trip was to participate in the "Harbin Association Cup" International Youth Ice Hockey Invitational Tournament held in Harbin.

Participating in ice hockey games is Xiaoge's "main mission" this summer.

If you start learning to skate at the age of 6, this is the seventh year that Xiaoge has been exposed to this sport. Because his current middle school does not have a school hockey team, his daily training has been carried out in clubs and district teams. "Ice hockey is a niche sport, parents invest a lot and pay a lot, and as their children go to school, many parents and children give up halfway."

This summer, Xiaoge's ice hockey club launched intensive training to play games. After the discussion of parents, the "Harbin Association Cup" International Youth Ice Hockey Invitational Tournament and Shenzhen Bowl Youth Ice Hockey Invitational Tournament were chosen. "There were about 10-12 people in the race. Some people reported for the Harbin competition, some reported for the Shenzhen competition, and most of the two registered. "Because ice hockey is a team sport, you have to go out as a team to play. ”

For the sport of ice hockey, going to a foreign country to participate in a game and transporting equipment can be a hassle. "There is a lot of protective gear for ice hockey, and you need to pack it in a large protective gear bag, and you also need to carry two clubs, which need to be extended and checked in." Fortunately this time, the father of a member of the club drove to Harbin and loaded all the children's ice hockey cues in the car and transported them.

In addition to transporting gear, safety is also a concern for parents of hockey junior hockey juniors. As a collision sport, ice hockey must wear protective gear. But in real matches, injuries are inevitable. In this match in Harbin, Xiaoge's former teammate was collided by the opponent during the game, resulting in a fracture of his collarbone, and the child's father drove the child back to Beijing overnight. "Sports hurt, and this is unavoidable." Xiaoge's mother said.

Xiaoge's mother combed through the "ice hockey bill" of this summer vacation: "There were a total of 11 games in the summer vacation, and if you calculate the venue fee and coaching fee, it will cost about 1000,4 yuan per game." If you add food, accommodation and travel expenses, it is almost 500,<> yuan. For this bill, Xiaoge's mother said, "It's a normal expense." Usually, the training fee in Beijing is also <> yuan a ball. ”

Xiaoge's mother introduced that the cost of ice hockey is still on equipment. Adolescent children grow up quickly, so the frequency of changing equipment is relatively fast, and a pair of skate blades costs about 8000,<> yuan. And this expense cannot be reflected in Xiaoge's summer bill.

But fortunately, after hard training, Xiaoge achieved good results in ice hockey - his team won the runner-up in Shenzhen and the championship in Harbin.

Parent voices

I hope to take my children to experience real society during holidays in the future

Xiaoge's mother was not too satisfied with the overall arrangement of this summer vacation, and felt that only ice hockey games and TOEFL classes were arranged, which was a bit boring and single. The summer vacation life of middle school students should be more colorful. In the future holidays, I hope that in addition to allowing children to travel and see the world, they can also carry out humanistic and aesthetic education, such as visiting more museums. There is also the most important experience of this link, the common disease of children in big cities is pampering, so we want him to know more about the real society, what real life is like, and the arrangement of holidays also adds more experience links, such as taking children to the wholesale market at three o'clock in the morning, going to the back kitchen of the hotel to help for a day, going to the nursing home to do volunteer work, etc., so that children understand the truth that life is not easy. ”

For the summer vacation expenses, Xiaoge's mother believes that the arrangement of this year's summer vacation is also out of consideration for future academic planning.

"Parents will pay a lot for their children whenever their financial strength allows, and how much is reasonable varies from person to person." In Xiaoge's mother's view, some parents are now investing too much in education, which is a very bad phenomenon, and even a little deformed.

【Summer Bill】

Training fee: 6000 yuan

Transportation: 11000,2 RMB× <> sessions

Total amount: about 28000,<> yuan

Billing Story 2

Half of the summer vacation is spent participating in programming competitions

This summer, Ms. Guo, who lives in Wuhan, allocated half of her son's time to play.

He is 10 years old and will enter the fifth grade after the summer vacation, and he showed a strong interest in robotics and programming in the second grade of elementary school, so he began to enroll him in training courses to learn Python in the third grade. "I was very addicted, I made small games by myself, and I took it to school to find classmates to play with."

"Children usually focus on academics, do not have much time to spend on hobbies, and are about to enter the fifth grade at the beginning of school, and I hope to make good use of the summer vacation time to let children develop their own hobbies." Ms. Guo said that in addition, her son is also interested in guitar and table tennis, and he also signed up for training courses in the summer.

This summer, Ms. Guo spent a lot of time and energy participating in two competitions: one was the National Primary and Secondary School Information Technology Innovation and Practice Competition held in Baotou, Inner Mongolia; One is the 2023 National Youth Space Innovation Competition held in Wenchang, Hainan.

Both competitions are in the "List of National Competitions for Primary and Secondary School Students in the 2022-2025 School Year" published by the Ministry of Education. "There is no official fee for participating in the competition, but before each competition, the children will conduct intensive training in the institution, spending lesson hours and venue fees, which cost a total of about 6000,11000 yuan." Ms. Guo said that after counting the round-trip airfare, food and lodging expenses for the two people, it cost about 22000,<> yuan for one game, and almost <>,<> yuan for two games.

Ms. Guo believes that going out to play is not only to satisfy children's interests, but more importantly, to broaden their horizons. "He is operating a smart car, and he can also see other projects such as drones at the competition site." As far as smart car competition is concerned, participants need to write their own programs to make the vehicle act according to instructions and complete some specified tasks, and during the competition, they also need to carry out intense debugging, tacit cooperation with teammates, and response to emergencies.

"In both races, he and his teammates ran until 12 p.m. every night, and they were very energetic." Ms. Guo said that the child's usual life is step-by-step, but he will invest <>% enthusiasm for the things he is interested in, although the cost of playing games and participating in training is quite a lot, but it stimulates the child's interest and enthusiasm, and will slowly get better and better.

Parent voices

In the future, there will be more arrangements for playing while playing

Although traveling with children costs more, the gains of children's travel and the relaxation of body and mind are also more concerned by parents. Of course, we will also do what we can, and we may consider changing the more expensive items from multiple choice to single choice in the future. If the child continues to be interested in artificial intelligence, he will continue to invest in related competitions, such as playing while playing this form in the future, hoping to spend the money on the "blade".

【Summer Bill】

Calligraphy: 300 RMB/1.5 hours

Fine art: 200 RMB/1 hour

Roller skating: 150 RMB/1 hour

Dance: RMB 220/1.5 hours

Choir: RMB 300/2 hours

Piano: RMB 350 / 45 minutes

Total amount: about 20000,<> yuan

Billing Story 3

2,<> yuan to support summer quality training

When Xiaoge went to the ice hockey game, Xiao Yuan, a 6-year-old girl from Beijing, had just completed a two-week calligraphy training camp and was preparing for the next week's art training and preparing for the exam.

2 weeks of calligraphy training, 1 week of art training, 3-4 lessons per week of roller skating, and occasional piano lessons... This summer, Xiaoyuan participated in four trainings: figure skating, calligraphy, art and piano.

6-year-old Xiaoyuan has been studying piano and art for two years, roller skating for one year, and calligraphy is a new addition this summer. Her favorite is roller skating, followed by fine art. Because I want to enter elementary school this year, I will learn to write in advance. ”

During the intensive training period, Xiaoyuan took classes for about 1 hour a day, took roller skating lessons every two days, and practiced the piano the rest of the time to prepare for the examination and competition. The elderly in the family are responsible for picking up and dropping off the children every day. Xiaoyuan's mother said frankly, "Sending the baby to extracurricular classes, in fact, the elderly can also relax." ”

In addition, the dance, English, and choir training classes that Komoto usually attends are also held simultaneously in the summer.

Xiaoyuan's mother posted the child's summer bill: calligraphy 300 yuan / section, 1.5 hours; Art 200 yuan / section, 1 hour; Roller skating about 150 yuan/section, 1 hour; Dance about 220 yuan/session, 1.5 hours; The newly changed choir is more than 300 yuan/section, 2 hours. All of the above programs are large classes and relatively inexpensive. One-on-one pianos cost more, with a 45-minute lesson costing 350 yuan. In addition, Xiaoyuan also went to custody for a week, charging about 600 yuan a day.

In this way, Xiaoyuan's cost of various summer training courses is around 2,<> yuan.

"The price of all our classes is relatively cheap, some piano teachers may cost 500-800 yuan per section one-on-one, and ballet lessons are almost 1000,<> yuan per session." Xiaoyuan's mother said, "The cost of extracurricular classes is actually nothing, and it costs more to go out for a trip." ”

In Xiaoyuan's mother's view, this summer vacation, the child's efforts and parents' expenses are still rewarding. After the intensive training, Xiaoyuan successfully passed the art level 4 exam and is about to participate in the piano competition in September.

Parent voices

Next year, we plan to arrange overseas summer schools and other projects

As the child enters elementary school, Xiaoyuan's mother plans to take the child out next year to meet the world. Xiaoyuan's mother said that there are no special arrangements for children during this summer's vacation, mainly extracurricular classes, and overseas summer schools and summer camps may be arranged next year. As for how much money is appropriate, Xiaoyuan's mother feels that each family's situation is different, and summer spending should still be within their means.

【Summer Bill】

Dance training: 4500 yuan Examination fee: 570 yuan

Total amount: about 5070,<> yuan

Billing Story 4

Say goodbye to ballet training with one last exam

On the afternoon of August 8, after participating in the Emperor's Ballet Level 14 Examination, the 13-year-old girl Yiyi's ballet training and examination road also officially came to an end, which was also a decision made by Yiyi's mother and daughter after many discussions.

Since the second grade of primary school, Yiyi has been studying ballet at this training institution for six or seven years. Affected by the epidemic, it was not until this summer vacation that Yiyi had just completed the ballet level 4 exam. "At the beginning, I thought about 'promoting practice with examinations', and it was difficult for institutions to have the opportunity to perform, so I wanted to give her a motivation to learn dance." Yiyi's mother laughed and "ridiculed", "After studying for so many years, the biggest gain is to recognize that children's abilities, specialties, hobbies and interests are not ballet. ”

In fact, Yiyi's mother found that there were almost no opportunities for performances, "The institution organized an exhibition by itself, but from the pre-performance rehearsal to the exhibition registration to the exhibition, all the expenses were offset by the lesson fee, which also cost thousands of yuan." ”

Learning ballet isn't all without gain, either. "It's still very labor-intensive to dance the ballet, and it takes almost two hours after a class, and I sweat almost every time." In terms of maintaining sports and exercising, Yiyi's mother believes that learning ballet still brings some benefits to children, but the training institutions advertise that they can improve their body and temperament have little effect, "After all, there are less than 2 hours of practice time per week, and they usually don't practice at home." ”

In order to achieve the summer dance level 17 examination, the training institution set up a two-week intensive training, every Monday, Thursday and Sunday afternoon from 20:18 to 50:<>, students must attend the examination training class on time. In fact, because she wanted to participate in a summer camp activity for which she signed up for the summer, Yiyi only participated in two intensive training sessions, and she suddenly trained the dance movements of the exam before the exam.

The abandonment of ballet was also considered by many parties. "The child's physical flexibility is not very good, and we are not planning to develop professionally." On the other hand, Yiyi's mother said, learning ballet does not cost a lot every year, "This one costs about 15,000 yuan a year, and the registration fee for an examination is more than 500." In addition, Yiyi's mother admits that from a utilitarian point of view, "the examination certificate of this dance is actually of little use." ”。

But giving up ballet is not the same as giving up dance. Yiyi's mother told reporters, "The child wants to learn jazz dance with her classmates, let's see what she thinks next semester." If she insists, go and learn. Perhaps, without the constraint of the examination, Yiyi can enjoy dance more happily.

Parent voices

Analyze the pros and cons with your child and respect your child's choices

From musical instruments to dance, many times let children take the exam more out of the parents' herd or comparison psychology, feeling that other children have a thick stack of certificates, their own children can not be less, but forget that the original intention of signing up for the interest class for the child is to hope that she can find her own potential and have a long-term interest hobby. After the "double minus", we are also trying to subtract our children, and the summer bill has become "less and more precise". Entering the junior high school stage of learning, under the realistic pressure of the middle school entrance examination, parents and children are facing the problem of how to choose, and the primary school stage is more parents choose a variety of interest classes to let children experience different, after entering adolescence, children are more assertive, hope to make their own decisions, what we can do, is to analyze the pros and cons of summer training projects with children, respect children's choices.

B06-B07 Edition Writing/Beijing News Reporter Xu Yanlin, Su Ji, Yang Feifei