In order to improve the subjective happiness of people who feel happy, Fukui Prefecture has concluded an agreement with Keio University to have them analyze data that can be used for policy.

Fukui Prefecture has been ranked first for the fifth consecutive time in the "Happiness Ranking," a private survey based on statistics in fields such as health and culture, and has concluded an agreement with Keio University, which conducts advanced research, to improve the subjective happiness "well-being" that makes you feel happy.

At the signing ceremony held at the prefectural government office on the 28th, Governor Sugimoto and Professor Hiroaki Miyata of Keio University School of Medicine signed the agreement.

Governor Sugimoto said, "I would like to deepen our research on how to make society as a whole happy and how we can feel happiness."

Under the agreement, Fukui Prefecture will ask universities to analyze data from a questionnaire conducted by Fukui Prefecture for approximately 3200,<> prefectural residents and a demonstration experiment for health promotion in which they can receive digital currency according to the number of steps taken in Ikeda Town, and the prefecture will reflect this in its policies.

After the signing ceremony, Professor Hiroaki Miyata said, "Until now, I think happiness indicators have been mainly objective, so I would like to help the people of Fukui feel happiness while incorporating subjective measures."