Beijing, August 8 (Zhongxin Net) (Reporter Ying Ni) Fushou goldfish, lion's head goldfish, pearl goldfish, Wangtian goldfish... More than 29 species of nearly 800 goldfish swim in the Prince Gongfu Museum, waiting for the audience to come and see.

The scene of "Mansion Fun - Prince Gong's Mansion Museum 2023 Palace Goldfish Special Exhibition". Photo courtesy of Prince Gongfu Museum

Jointly organized by the Prince Gong Museum of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Beijing Fisheries Promotion Station, the "Fuyuan Fun - 2023 Palace Goldfish Special Exhibition of Prince Gong Museum" was held from August 8 to September 28.

Goldfish is rooted in the vicissitudes of China, and has been passed on and developed for thousands of years, deeply imprinted with Chinese traditional culture and formed a unique cultural phenomenon. Every year, there are fish (Yu), lotus (lian) year has fish (Yu) auspicious New Year customs, and goldfish (jade) full hall, goldfish (jade) Tonghe Xiangrui folk customs, the brick carving "Fuqing Youyu (Yu)" on the back cover of Prince Gong's mansion is also full of profound cultural connotations.

The scene of "Mansion Fun - Prince Gong's Mansion Museum 2023 Palace Goldfish Special Exhibition". Photo courtesy of Prince Gongfu Museum

In the summer of 2022, the "Palace Goldfish Special Exhibition" held in Prince Gong's Mansion Anshan Hall, through the four sections of "Millennium Inheritance", "Centennial Song", "Golden Scale Shadow" and "Ingenious Workmanship", will bring together the thousand-year development context, century-old vicissitudes and changes, thousands of water images and whimsical cultural creativity of the palace goldfish, telling the past and present life of the national goldfish. More than 500 "water fairies" competed and danced, allowing the audience to feel the thousand-year-old elegance of watching fish in the pond in summer in the garden of Prince Gong's Mansion.

The scene of "Mansion Fun - Prince Gong's Mansion Museum 2023 Palace Goldfish Special Exhibition". Photo courtesy of Prince Gongfu Museum

With the good memories of last year, this water art immersion tour opened at Prince Gong's Museum this year will lead the audience to experience the "court taste" of goldfish in the royal garden, the "fun of the palace" in the royal courtyard, the "leisure and fun" of people in the capital and the "special fun" of overseas travelers. More than 800 goldfish of more than <> species, including the Fushou goldfish of "Bafang Laifu", the lion-headed goldfish of "majesty", the pearl goldfish of "cuteness", and the goldfish of Wangtian "who can't help but endure", all appeared, which made people dizzy and linger.

The scene of "Mansion Fun - Prince Gong's Mansion Museum 2023 Palace Goldfish Special Exhibition". Photo courtesy of Prince Gongfu Museum

The "Goldfish Spring and Autumn - Goldfish Species History and Culture Photo Exhibition" held at the same time tells the historical history of goldfish in a graphic way. The goldfish-themed historical books and cultural artifacts on display will present a colorful goldfish world.

The scene of "Mansion Fun - Prince Gong's Mansion Museum 2023 Palace Goldfish Special Exhibition". Photo courtesy of Prince Gongfu Museum

As a national essence, goldfish has accumulated and precipitated rich historical and cultural connotations. In the old days, dignitaries and literati took owning, breeding and ornamental goldfish as the pleasure of life, and there were many classics in Lingnan gardens, Jiangnan gardens and palace gardens that perfectly integrated fish-watching situations and garden landscapes, and goldfish became an indispensable ornamental element in the halls and gardens of the royal palaces and gardens of the Ming and Qing dynasties. "In the old days, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people", and after modern goldfish entered thousands of households, it became an important spiritual and cultural enjoyment and entertainment lifestyle for people. As the messenger of beauty, goldfish has become an important subject for the expression of different forms of artwork such as clothing, porcelain, stamps, glass, kites, paper cuttings, etc., incarnating as a model in front of the photographer's lens, a fairy in the painter's watercolor pen, and a soul on the sculptor's finger.

The scene of "Mansion Fun - Prince Gong's Mansion Museum 2023 Palace Goldfish Special Exhibition". Photo courtesy of Prince Gongfu Museum

According to records, there were 279 goldfish species during the Qing Dynasty, which can be described as colorful, colorful and varied. Beijing is one of the birthplaces of goldfish in China, and there has always been a tradition of playing and farming, from the royal family, princes and ministers, to the city and countryside, to the streets and alleys. Once upon a time, "canopy fish tank pomegranate tree, Mr. fat dog fat girl" became a solid portrayal of Beijing's well-off family. With the changes of the times, goldfish has become not only a good product for people to play, but also a beautiful business card in Beijing. (End)