Germany: investigation dropped against Rammstein singer, accused of sexual assault

The Rammstein singer escapes prosecution. Till Lindemann was accused by several groupies of sexual assault. But the Berlin prosecutor's office, which had opened an investigation against the star in mid-June, has just closed the case without further action. According to the German court, "the evaluation of the available evidence and the hearing of witnesses did not establish that the accused had non-consensual sexual relations with women," writes the Berlin prosecutor's office.

Till Lindemann, lead singer of the German band Rammstein, in Moscow, February 28, 2010 (Illustration image). ASSOCIATED PRESS - STR

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The case has been making headlines for months in Europe and makes more noise than a metal concert. Rammstein is one of the most popular heavy metal bands. A 24-year-old Irish girl first accused Till Lindemann of drugging and sexually assaulting her after a concert in Lithuania. Subsequently, a dozen young women told relatives and journalists similar stories.

" READ ALSO The singer of the German group Rammstein accused of being at the heart of a system of sexual predation

The victims were spotted in the audience, filmed and photographed so that the sixty-year-old singer could make his choice. Invited backstage, some were then drugged and abused. However, the complaints were filed by third parties and not by the alleged victims whom the German justice system was unable to hear. The only exception was an influencer who agreed to talk to investigators. But they considered his statements too vague.


Till's parties have nothing to do with our afters


She could not describe any criminally reprehensible incidents, the judges wrote to justify the dismissal of the case. Still, last June, the drummer of the group Rammstein dissociated himself from the singer. "Till's parties," wrote Christoph Schneider on social media, "have nothing to do with our afters."

The investigation against the tour manager, who had been accused of bringing young women backstage to concerts, was also dropped. The law firm representing Lindemann, Schertz Bergmann, welcomed the "swift" abandonment of the investigation, promising to take civil action against the "illegal reports of suspicion" against the singer.

The allegations, which began last spring in the middle of the band's European tour, sparked an uproar. They had provoked protests before the band's concerts in several countries, as well as the cancellation of post-show parties at concerts in Germany. Rammstein is known for his spectacular performances on stage with great pyrotechnics and for his taste for provocation.


And with AFP)

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