Solène Delinger 12:05pm, August 29, 2023

Gérald de Palmas was the exceptional guest of Europe 1 this Tuesday morning in "Culture Media" to talk about his new single, "Personne", announcing his eighth album. At the microphone of Thomas Isle, the 55-year-old singer returned to the lyrics of this song, which is about a man wanting to become totally anonymous... as Gerald de Palmas would like?

It took him seven years to create his new album... After a long break, Gérald de Palmas is finally back on the front of the stage. While waiting for the release of his opus, the artist has just unveiled Personne, his single with folk-rock sounds.

"I like to be reclusive"

Invited on Europe 1 this Tuesday morning, Gérald de Palmas confided in the lyrics of his new song, which evokes a right to disconnect. "No security number, no phone either, no fingerprint, no trace, no profile, no front photo," sings the star who ensures not to tell his own desires. "I'm not necessarily the character of the song," said Gérald de Palmas in front of Thomas Isle, before wondering: "Does it have anything to do with my life? Me, it's true that I like to be reclusive. I don't live totally alone. But, yes, I've always lived a little bit off the circuit." Gérald de Palmas left to settle in Reunion Island, far from the media tumult, to recharge his batteries and be close to nature.


Find Thomas Isle and Culture-Médias every day from 9am to 11am on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

"I am rarely bothered by"

The singer, very discreet, would not want to "become nobody" again, like the character of his song. "I am quite discreet so I am rarely bothered ," he analyzed this morning in Culture Media. "I've never suffered from notoriety," he said, causing astonishment in the studio. After seven years of discretion, the singer is well and truly ready to put himself forward to talk about his new album, the eighth of his career, which will be released next November.